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I'm officially disowning Serena. I've decided that she's not worth it anymore. If she's going to be this way I just can't have her in my life anymore. It's just the way it had to be. So I went to Blair's house to talk to her. We sat on the couch and she showed me photos of some houses she and Sebastian were looking at. "I just can't believe she would actually do all of this. She dated Carter and I didn't ruin her life." I said continuing my Serena ranting.

"You did handle that rather well." Blair stated and I nodded.

Sebastian came into the living room with a glass of juice. "I don't get why you two are so surprised." Sebastian said, sitting down in a chair.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Serena's entire self-worth is wrapped in people talking about her. It's not surprising since she had a mom that abandoned her and a father that only wanted something to do with her to tell her mother she was sick."

"What's your point?" I asked.

"The girl needs major therapy."

He's been so full of this weird insight for weeks now. "What is up with you lately?"

"He's been like this since he started psychology 101. He thought it would be fun to take." Blair explained.

"It may be 101, but I know how the whole world works now." Sebastian said and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Just like I know you haven't seen Chuck since you've been engaged."

"You don't know that." I stated.

"Am I wrong?"

I paused for a moment, letting out a deep breath. "No."

"Why haven't you seen him?" Blair asked. "I would think you would want to be the one to tell him."

"He almost ruined everything for me. Why would I want to see him?" I asked and they both stared at me like they didn't believe me.

"Let's try that again and this time I want you to pretend we are two people who actually know you well." Blair stated and I let out a deep breath.

"I love Louis and I love the way that I feel around him." I stated.


I sighed. "But...I can't help but be afraid of the part of me that still loves Chuck. I don't want it to ruin something good and just throw myself into another mess."

"Speaking of mess, how did mom and dad take the news about Louis proposing?" Sebastian asked, thankfully changing the topic.

"Well, I called them to break the news and I could hear dad yelling no way in the background and mom just said he would come around." I explained.

"Can't say you don't blame them."

Blair looked over at him. "Why? They were on board with us getting married."

"We've known each other for years and started dating in high school. They've known each other for like a month."

"I'm going to hit you and the ring will leave a mark." I said, waving my hand around.


My parents came back to the house to help with the party that we are having for my and Louis' engagement. I walked out of my bedroom heading into the living room where my parents were. "So here comes the future princess." My mom said and I smiled at her.

"Now what does that make us, I wonder." My dad asked.

"Well, as of now, nothing. In choosing me, Louis gave up his succession rights." I stated.

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