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I made it to school and was in the courtyard with Blair and her minions going through folders. "Indra Nooyi, Ann Moore, Andrea jung." Blair read off the folders in her hands. "Why are these all businesswomen?"

"We color-coded for easy reference. Businesswomen are in green. Women in academia are in blue." The blonde one said.

"Politics and government in red with a subsection on royalty and dictators." The brunette one said.

Serena walked over, finally making it over to school. "Ooh, files. What's going on?"

"Blair and I are researching women of power so we can better forge paths to become one."

"Sarah Louise Palin?" I looked at one of the binders in the brunette's hand. "Do you even want to be a Minion?"

"B, uh, can I talk to you guys for a minute? I need advice." Serena said.

"Five paces behind for privacy." Blair nodded handing the folders in her hands over to the brunette. "Ten for you." We paused for a moment waiting for the minions to be at a safe distance. "How are you?" Blair asked looking over at Serena. "I've barely seen you all week."

"Uh, I've been great. You know, with Dan and Nate behind me, I really feel like I can bury the old me and start anew." Serena said.

"May you rest in peace." I stated and Blair nodded.

"The only problem is, I've been late for my English lit class a few times, and lates count as absences, which is 10 percent-"

I dramatically gasped. "If only there were a device of some kind to keep the time."

"S, listen to me." Blair stated. "College professors have a God complex, so just meet with him and say you're sorry. The simplest way to turn an enemy into a friend is to seek their counsel."

"Who taught you that? One of your Asian 'art of war' gurus?" Serena asked.

"Martha Chamberlin." I stated. "She's guest lecturing a series called the psychology of business. I'm heading to the registrar's to sign up."

"Oh, I love her." Serena stated and I nodded.

Serena paused for a moment looking at me. "Lena, how do you do it? Chuck declares war, and you simply up your class load."

"The more time I spend on campus, the safer I am. Chuck is allergic to education and bettering himself." I stated.

"Well, I'm not, so if I'm gonna work on my new self, I should head to the library. Sign me up for Martha's class. We'll go together." Blair walked away and the minions walked closer to Blair and I.

"Did I say you could come closer?" Blair asked, waiting for them to walk back again. "How are you with the whole Chuck thing?"

I smiled over at her. "I'm fine. Nothing I can't handle."


"He's going to try to take everything from. He just doesn't realize that he can't. It's that simple." I shrugged and Blair nodded.

We made it to the hall to find out where the sign-ups were. The problem was there was no one around. I hit the bell over and over again until a lady showed up. There you are. Where do I sign up for Ms. Chamberlin's lecture series?" I asked the lady and she motioned to the line that I cut. I looked over to see Chuck walking out of the office with a Columbia course folder in his hand. My stomach dropped. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Go, Lions." Chuck smirked at me.

"No. That's impossible, even for you." I stated, feeling my heart pounding in my chest.

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