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I walked out of my bedroom, going over to Serena's open door. I knocked on the door, getting her to look at me. "Hey. You coming?" I asked and she nodded as we walked out to the table. "Hot tea, Rose, decaf, and one of my leafy green juices." I said and when she gave me one of my drink, I smiled at her. "Thank you."

"Lena, you okay?" Serena asked and I realized they were both staring at me confused. "You seem different."

"I'm doing a cleanse." I shrugged. "Instead of focusing on the things I couldn't change, I want to focus on the things that make me happy. I'm done waiting or stressing about a relationship that hasn't even started up again. I want whatever's best for both of us."

"Wow, that's very enlightened."

"It's the leafy greens. B vitamins are excellent for cognitive function."

"Good, because I need your help. Ben hasn't been returning any of my texts since we spent the night together, and it was amazing, but it can't be a coincidence that he's suddenly avoiding me." I totally set myself up for this conversation.

"Well, did you tell him you thought it was amazing?"

"Well, I think I made it pretty clear."

"He is a guy. You should march over there and make sure he knows. And take a juice with you for the road."

"Thank you, Lena. You really do seem good." Serena got up walking out of the room and Rose was still staring at me.

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked.

"Something is different about you. I have a sixth sense."

I rolled my eyes. "You have no sense." I stood up and Rose followed me as I walked away.

"You don't come to me with any complaints about anything. You're too happy. Content. I'm worried you join cult."

"I have found my center, that's all. But just to reassure you, here's a complaint. Why haven't you picked up my cocktail dress for Chuck's party yet?" I asked and hesitated before walking away. She's way too nosy.

I get why everyone would be confused about my new mood, but I really am starting to refocus. Dan just happens to be helping with the distraction part of my change. I just don't feel like explaining it to people. I shouldn't have to. Dan was laying in my bed going through a magazine and I was putting on my shoes. "I can't believe I let you talk me into the Joseph Beuys exhibit." I stated.

"There was a great article in here on him. You should read it." Dan stated, setting the magazine down on my bed.

"We should go over field trip procedures again."

"Oh, joy." He was full of sarcasm, but I just ignored it.

"Okay, I arrive first, survey the location in case there's anyone I know and scout out an exit strategy. You arrive at least 15 minutes later. Plausible deniability. We just ran into each other."

"You're really big on plausible deniability." Dan stood up from my bed.

"Best way to handle every situation."

"Ms. Lena?" I heard Rose and my eyes went wide.

"Behind the door, go!" I yelled quickly at him, pushing him behind the door right before Rose walked in. "Rose, what are you doing back so soon?"

"Oh, I forgot claim ticket." She grabbed the ticket off of my desk and looked at me confused. "Who were you talking to?"

"No one. Maybe your sixth sense is picking up voices from the other side. You know what? I could use some fresh air. I will go with you to get the dress. Let's go." I walked out of the room and then I noticed she wasn't following me. If she found him, she would have yelled. "Now. Let's go! Chop-chop!" I shouted and she finally came out of my bedroom.

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