Valentine's Surprise (Van McCann)

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AN: I had a request to write about spending Valentine's Day with Van and another about Van getting reader a puppy so I thought I'd combine them!Sorry if this is bad I am useless at writing general fluff!

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AN: I had a request to write about spending Valentine's Day with Van and another about Van getting reader a puppy so I thought I'd combine them!
Sorry if this is bad I am useless at writing general fluff!

"Aww... look at this one! That's the cutest photo!" You hold your phone out to your boyfriend who's sitting next to you on the sofa and he looks up from his guitar.

"You looking at pics of me again love?" Van grins, and you swat at him playfully.

"God you don't half fancy yourself!" You giggle. "I'm looking at these puppy photos from the rescue centre that I was telling you about. There's a whole litter of Labrador puppies! And they all need homes!"

You emphasise the last two words, looking at Van with puppy-dog eyes of your own and you watch as his brow furrows into a little crease. You know exactly what's coming next.

"Y/N, we've talked about this..."

"I know, I know." You feel your eyes roll upwards as you mimic Van's words. "You're always away and I'm always busy. We don't have time for a pet."

"Well? It's true though isn't it? What happens when I'm off on tour and you want to go away for the weekend with your friends, huh?"

You've been with Van for coming up to a year now. At first the excitement of dating a real-life, famous, touring rockstar superseded any feelings of loneliness or longing when he was away, but since you fell into your routine and then you and Van finally got a place together last month, you've been feeling it more and more. The gorgeous house you bought together on the North Wales coast with picturesque views of Llandudno Bay feels alive when Van is home, but when he's thousands of miles away the rooms seem bigger and more stark when they're not filled with him and his accompanying clutter.

"Maybe your mum and dad could look after it when we're both away," you suggest hopefully. "You know how they love dogs. And they miss Little Mary so much..."

"Babe... they're so busy with the guesthouse, you know that." Van's voice is soft, he hates letting you down and you sigh, resigning yourself to the fact that it'll just be you rattling around this big old house on your own when he goes away on Catfish's American tour next week.

"I still can't believe you're going to be away for Valentine's Day too," you say, trying not to sound sulky but you can hear it in your voice.

A melancholy state has settled itself around you and much as you try not to let it show, Van notices. He swings the guitar off his lap, leaning it up against the side of the chair, and outstretches an arm to you.

"C'mere love, don't be sad."

You force a little smile which then turns genuine as soon as Van's fingers curl around your shoulders and he pulls you close to him so you're leaning right against him on the sofa, your head on his chest.

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