I can't help the moan that escapes my mouth at the taste of her tongue against mine, and my hips pulse reflexively up to meet hers. But before I can reach the heat emanating from her core, she grasps my neck in her hand and pushes me away, pressing...
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His stuttered words finally reached my ear, and fuck it if a wolfish grin didn't stretch wide across my face.
He was looking at my pictures.
I can't help but wonder what he was thinking when he saw them, picture after picture of me scantily clad and dominating men. I get this feeling that little Kai would tell me anything I want to know, so why wonder when I can find out?
I take a whisper of a step closer to him, closing the infinitesimal space between us, so he can feel my breasts pressing against his chest. I watch the slight tremor that runs through his body once we make contact, and the once perverse smirk I wore softened to a gentle smile. I enjoy watching his body react to me.
I leaned forward so my lips were barely touching the shell of his ear.
"Did you touch yourself to my pictures, Kai?"
His gulp was audible thanks to our proximity, and I had to hold back a snicker. He's incredibly transparent, and I love it.
I leaned back to check his expression. His eyes flickered all over my face, darting across the room, and back to meet my own. I watched the uptick in his breaths, how they were escaping his lungs at a slightly elevated pace. I watched his tongue slip out to lick his lips, and I found my eyes lingering there a little too long.
He closed his eyes, as if to shield himself from the shame he felt, and nodded so slightly that I almost missed it.
I was about to respond, but I was interrupted.
"Valencia!" A voice yelled my name and I moved my head toward the direction of it's origin. Once I discovered who it was, I took a step back from Kai and turned to face them fully.
"Logan." I responded in greeting, making sure that my voice returned to its baseline. Take-no-shit-dominatrix. If I spoke to everyone like I just spoke to Kai, no one would take me seriously. Yet still, I let myself speak to Kai like a teenage girl talking to her crush in the back of the classroom. I don't know why, but I don't want to think about it.
Logan walks toward us with a confident stride and mischievous grin on his face. It's that expression that tells me the man is up to no good. He stops about six feet away from us and stuffs his hands in his pocket. His eyes flit in Kai's direction.
"New sub?" He's always been blunt, and it's always pissed me off. But what else can you expect from an egotistical male Dom? They couldn't give less of a fuck about respect.
I sigh and ignore his question.
"Why aren't your employees on the floor?"
He glances at the growing line of bodies flooding the hallway, and returns his gaze to mine, shrugging. "Sometimes I like to make 'em wait. Builds anticipation."
I scoff at his shitty management. "You'll lose customers dumbass."
He looks back at Kai, ignoring me. "What's your name?"