I can't help the moan that escapes my mouth at the taste of her tongue against mine, and my hips pulse reflexively up to meet hers. But before I can reach the heat emanating from her core, she grasps my neck in her hand and pushes me away, pressing...
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I sat in the tub between Valencia's legs, my head resting against her chest, unable to resist softly nipping and licking at her nipple. It was so satisfying, suckling on the soft tip, nuzzling against it with my nose, feeling the change in texture.
Valencia's hands are running through my hair, and she's softly humming a very simple yet lulling tune.
"What're you humming?" I ask, nuzzling my face into her chest and planting a soft kiss at her collarbone. Her arms were wrapped around me, the hand that wasn't tangled in my hair was lightly scratching my chest.
I don't think I have ever felt more serene or at home.
"A song my grandmother used to sing. I can't remember for the life of me what the lyrics were, but I will never forget that melody."
I wait, stroking my hand over the bubbles, thinking she would say more but she doesn't. I take a second to appreciate the peaceful perfection of the moment before speaking up. "My favorite memory with my grandmother is when we would sneak into her flower shop late at night and have tea parties under the fairy lights she had strung up. I am not ashamed to reveal that those tea parties are still a regular occurrence."
She giggles and I feel a rush of dopamine, loving that I made her laugh, feeling the vibrations of her chest.
"Every time I think you can't get any more adorable you find more ways to prove me wrong." She squeezes me and plants a kiss on my forehead. "Alright love, if we don't get out now we never will," she pats my bicep and begins nudging me up, "and we've got shit to do."
"Yes ma'am." I step out and am sure to turn around to offer her a hand out of the tub – not because she needs it, but because it's an act of grace and an effort on my part to treat her like the Queen she is. Not a second goes by that I am not completely in awe and enamored at the otherworldly beauty that is Valencia, but I am also eternally grateful that she chose me.
My hands were slightly trembling, and I had to remind myself to take deep breaths.
"Hey, look at me." She slightly turned me to face her, then cupped my face with her hands. I lean into her, breathing in her perfume and letting it calm me. "The second you feel uncomfortable, you text me and I will come get you and we can go home. Okay?"
She's a few inches taller than me now, her stilettos tall enough to easily dwarf me. I cannot lie, it's hot as hell feeling so much smaller than her. It made me feel even more submissive and even more completely and utterly in her care. I felt safe.
"Okay." I agree, smiling up at her. She returns my soft smile and kisses me on my lips, then on my nose, then on my lips again. I feel my cheeks burning at the public display of affection, but I make sure to keep my eyes on her.
God I love her.
I'm nowhere close to having the balls to say it, but I will happily repeat it in my head like a broken record.