I can't help the moan that escapes my mouth at the taste of her tongue against mine, and my hips pulse reflexively up to meet hers. But before I can reach the heat emanating from her core, she grasps my neck in her hand and pushes me away, pressing...
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I recognized a pain in your eyes the moment I saw you...A pain that was so different from mine, but a trauma so intense that it felt oddly comforting.
Your hurt called mine and it felt like home.
The words I confessed to him spin around my head like apparitions seeking a safe place to rest and burry themselves into every synapse. I look back at the young man who follows me dutifully into my bedroom, his larger hand clasped in mine, his large, slim fingers intertwined with my own.
I offer him a small smile and lead him to the bedroom.
I gesture for him to sit down.
He sits on the bed dutifully, legs spread, arms leaning against the bed, and those big green eyes looking up to me with the softest expression I have ever seen.
He's looking at me as if I carry the sun and the moon, as if my body is littered with constellations and he wants to identify every single one.
My smile grows wider, more genuine.
I take a deep breath, remembering that he asked for me.
All of me.
Seeing the safe word he decided on pop up in my messages made my heart drop to my stomach. It was as if everything we had done, every moment we had flashed before my eyes. And for the first time in a long time, I felt scared.
I don't want to lose him.
I don't want to do anything to make him run from me.
In a fucked up way, this man was all I had. The only person who could comprehend pain on a level that most wouldn't.
And the fact that I had to psych myself up for what I had planned for us was driving me crazy. Not with anger, no. I don't think I could bring myself to feel an iota of anger toward him.
No, he was driving me crazy with lust.
And fear.
I was afraid that I would push him away. I am a domme at heart, and he knows this, and he accepts this. The sweet boy was so ready to submit to me even after the safeword incident and it had me reeling. How do I go on? How do I continue? How do I ensure that he feels safe with me?
I'm treading dangerous waters, and he's the only thing that could keep me afloat.
So here I am, the dominatrix previously dubbed as heartless from previous sexual encounters. Previously labeled as relentless by clients. I am struggling to find a balance that will suit him because...
Because I care.
Because I don't want to lose him.
I take another deep breath with my eyes closed. When they open, I meet moss green eyes watching me with thinly veiled curiosity.