I can't help the moan that escapes my mouth at the taste of her tongue against mine, and my hips pulse reflexively up to meet hers. But before I can reach the heat emanating from her core, she grasps my neck in her hand and pushes me away, pressing...
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A boy who's face I somewhat recognize walks into the room rambling about some shit. Once his eyes meet mine, he freezes.
"I-I...Um...Misstr-I mean...Heyyyy..." His hand raises slowly to give a wave at 0.25x speed, gazing at me with the blood slowly draining from his face as if he saw a ghost. I raise an eyebrow and do a quick scan. He's well built, definitely on a sports team, likely football. Where have I seen him before?
I crawl over Kai and stand walking over and extending a hand. "Hi, I'm V."
The only way I could describe the long, 5-Mississippi length silence was that the boy must be buffering. Then, as though a switch were flipped, the color returned to his face, and a blinding million dollar smile stretched across his face. If I were a little valley girl coed with daddy's money and too much time, I'd say he looked like a Ken doll and ask him to play in my dream house.
But I'm not, and it came off more like standing face to face with a Walmart-budget Patrick Bateman.
He brushes off my hand and spreads his arm wide, abruptly leaning in toward me like he was about to dive into a trust fall. Before I could stop him, he engulfed me in a big bear hug and lifted me a few inches off the ground.
Oh no, this will not do.
"Oli-" I hear Kai begin to protest but Oli interrupts him.
"If it isn't the Mistress of Miracles! I was seriously beginning to wonder whether Kai was imagining the entire thing or if he'd locked you up in a basement somewhere," He chuckled and sighed, swaying me like a toddler or a teddy bear.
This is my sweet baby Kai's roommate.
Valencia, you don't need to catch a case.
"Oli..." This time Kai's word comes out in a warning, because he knows V is for Valencia, but it's also for 'volatile'.
I take a deep breath.
"Release me." I state firmly, yet somehow still kindly, through gritted teeth.
He pulls back to face me, yet still holds me inches above the ground wrapped tight in his arms. There's an innocent expression of mirth on his face.
But he still hasn't let me go.
"You know–"
I throw my head back and snap it forward, landing a crushing blow to his skull. The arms that once had me in what felt like a vice-gripe fall open and Oli goes stumbling backward, his large form slamming against the door. I land softly on the balls of my feet and turn around to face Kai.
There's an expression of apology on his face, but it's not his fault. Not all parents teach their children boundaries. I lean forward and give him a soft kiss, then slip on my shoes.
"I'll call you later," I say, unable to help but lean in again to give him another kiss.
I turn around, and Oli is still leaning against the door, rubbing his forehead with a grimace on his face. His eyes lift to mine and I raise a brow. Getting the message, he pushes himself off the door and steps aside to let me through.