I can't help the moan that escapes my mouth at the taste of her tongue against mine, and my hips pulse reflexively up to meet hers. But before I can reach the heat emanating from her core, she grasps my neck in her hand and pushes me away, pressing...
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I squint my eyes.
What the fuck?
In shock, I pull the gun from his head and take a step back.
I click on the safety and press the back of my heel against my face, trying to look back through time. It's been years, am I supposed to recognize her face?
I desperately pull together memories from the back of my head, thinking of Kai and how scared he must be.
Think Valencia, think.
I'm trying to rewind the clock and sift through splintered memories but pictures of my poor Kai with tears streaming down his face keep pushing their way into my head. I slam my palm against my forehead a few times, hoping the force to my skull will shock my system enough to stop imagining the worst case scenario.
From the corner of my eye I see Darius start to reach out to me. Before he can move any closer I thrust my gun out and click off the safety, the barrel inches away from his face.
"Don't fucking touch me." I seethe.
Think Valencia, think.
I think back to when I first met Katherine, closing my eyes to better paint the scene, knowing that Darius wouldn't dare move because I wouldn't hesitate to shoot. The park bench comes into focus, patches of grass.
She had a large smile on her face and she held out her hand and introduced herself.
"How did you hear about me?" I asked this of all my potential clients, it helped me gauge their level of experience and it always helps to know where they're coming from.
She named an esteemed BDSM club in New York that she used to frequent, so it tells me that she's familiar with the scene. She told me an old client of mine was visiting and recommended me to her since she was moving out of the state. She said she wasn't interested at first, but then she gave in to curiosity and checked out my website and she couldn't resist contacting me. When I asked her about experience, she gave me a wry smile that emphasized the bright red of her lipstick that somehow didn't clash with her hair.
"Wouldn't you like to find out?"
It was the cockiness in her smirk, all the little ways she would push my buttons that made me want to choke her into submission. remember thinking that she would make such a great pet, that I couldn't wait to see her tied up in rope at my mercy. I wanted to get her on her knees tied and gagged while she suffered the tail end of my whip.
It's like she knew exactly what to say to set me off.
Katherine Carter is Beth. The Same Beth I went to Summer Camp with. The same Beth who's heart I broke before my deployment.
"Why did she change her name? Why didn't she just tell me it was her? What the fuck Darius?!" The words come out my mouth at a hundred miles an hour, the questions forming faster than I can express them.