F I F T Y - F I V E

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"You don't w-want to do this" I shake my head and struggle to shift myself backwards even though I'm pressed as far back against the wall as I can get, and I watch as she crawls onto the bed and gets impossibly closer to me with the knife in hand

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"You don't w-want to do this" I shake my head and struggle to shift myself backwards even though I'm pressed as far back against the wall as I can get, and I watch as she crawls onto the bed and gets impossibly closer to me with the knife in hand.

"Oh but that's where you're wrong, Kai. I really do." She sneers, leaning in until her nose is inches away from mine.

I've never had a woman so close to me that wasn't Valencia, and I don't like it at all. Sure she's holding a knife and threatening my life and safety, but having anyone so close to me in the first place is scary in itself. My breath quickens and my vision starts fogging again, whatever was in that shot blurring my focus for a second.

"But you're safe for now little lamb. I want Val here for the big finale." She taunts, lifting the knife to my face and using the point of the blade to brush back the overgrown strands of hair that fall over my face. The action puts the tip of the blade millimeters away from my eyeball and I stop breathing for a second.

She's playing with me.

"I want her to watch as I take you from her," she sighs like it's a romantic thought.

The finality of the situation is dawning on me. I don't want to die tonight. But if that is the path I am meant to take, at least I got the chance to experience a love that filled my heart so completely. I will go cherishing every second spent with her.

I don't want Valencia's last memory of me to be the life draining from my eyes, I don't want to add to all the evil and hurt she has experienced.

"If you kill me, she will never forgive you." I say this with my eyes locked on hers, conveying just how much I mean every word. She's so close that I can feel that puff of breath she lets out in anger, the slight blow against my cheeks and eyelashes throws me for a second.

"Wrong again. This is a test. She wants me to get rid of you so we can finally be together. She killed to save me because she loves me, and now I have to kill you to prove how much I love her." She states whimsically, not a trace of doubt in her eyes or the smile on her face.

She's delusional.

Every word that comes from her mouth strips me of any hope of getting out of this alive; I can tell I'm running out of time. She's determined and she's unstable, a dangerous emotional concoction.

I'm not a therapist but...

It seems like she can't handle rejection so she's spun a narrative in her head where the love she has for Valencia is reciprocated.

"L-let's talk about this," she's waiting for Valencia to come and suddenly I'm praying she doesn't. As much as I want to see her, if she comes and has to watch me die it will shatter her. "We can c-come to some kind of understanding."

Maybe she's open to negotiation?

My inner monologue is interrupted by a shrill laugh and she throws her head back, finally giving me a few more inches of breathing room, and I suck in a gasp of air.

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