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Rouge was lit with its signature red hue, and I couldn't help but love the symmetry between the lights and the red bottoms of my pumps

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Rouge was lit with its signature red hue, and I couldn't help but love the symmetry between the lights and the red bottoms of my pumps. My corset strained tightly across my chest, lifting my breasts and accentuating the curve of my hips. I don't like showing too much skin at the club, so I made sure to wear my tight leather leggings. The tattoos on my upper body were on full display, and my hair was done up tightly into a ballerina bun.

I swung the door open and entered, breathing in deeply. It smelled of leather and sex.

I took confident steps toward the bar and ordered myself a martini. I leaned against the wooden bar and took a sip, my eyes surveying the room. The entrance of Rouge led to an open bar, with limited seating for those who wanted to order a snack before indulging in their fantasies. The fun took place in lower levels.

"Mistress." A soft voice pulled my attention, and I turned to see Katherine standing a few feet away, her eyes trained on my neck.

Katherine was a good little pet, she new every rule to follow without my explicit prompting.

I didn't answer, instead I lifted the martini glass to my lips to take a sip, allowing myself to draw her in.

Katherine Carter was a beautiful girl; she had to be to catch my attention. And I'm not one to be easily enamored by appearances. It wasn't just the fact that her hair fell in soft waves down to the small of her back. Or the fact that there was a hint of devilish tendencies that hid behind the spark in her eyes. No, I could tell she was incredibly intelligent when I first met her about a year ago. 

Tonight, in order to protect her identity, she donned a sweet lilac mask the covered most of her face. A nude colored lipstick covered her lips, and she wore a short little white skirt and powder blue blouse. Something about her approaching me so demurely never ceased to make the Domme in me pleased. Because I knew that under her innocent little getup, there was something akin to a beast.

"Permission to speak freely, Mistress?"

I nodded and took another sip from my martini, swirling a green olive around my tongue, watching as her eyes lifted and locked on the action.

"Thank you for speaking to my classroom, my students loved it." At this, she smiled, and I watched her pearly white teeth gleam under the low red light. 

I allowed my lips to pull into a soft smirk, our eyes making contact.

Everything I do in this club is a performance. 

And as fucked up as it might sound, I love the prospect of hiding behind such a well composed mask. 

No one can harm a phantom.

"It was my pleasure, pet."

I took another sip and swirled the liquid around in my glass, watching the remaining olive roll around the bottom of the glass.

I could see her hesitate from the corner of my eye, likely debating whether or not she should take the chance to say what was on her mind. 

I enjoy witnessing the contradiction in her eyes, but not nearly as much as I would enjoy punishing her if the wrong words escapes her lips. So I let her speak.

"You seemed to be enjoy getting under their skin," she hesitated a bit longer, then she finally spilt what was really on her mind, "Kai in particular."

I was sure not to show any kind of emotion on my face, even though I was internally cursing my actions. 

I abhor having my emotions transparent, laid out for just anyone to see. If she could see the attention I paid to the boy, then so could others.

I downed the rest of my liquid in a subtle attempt to buy myself a few seconds. 

Katherine Carter was a beautiful girl, but she was dangerous. 

I don't use the term lightly.

The circumstances I met her in weren't optimal. The second I laid eyes upon her, I could see her beauty, I could sense her intelligence. But I could also see a little something under the surface. A heat, a yearning. A desire that couldn't simply be fulfilled from participation in the BDSM lifestyle. But I took her in anyway, because she responded to my demands – something that few doms were able to accomplish.

Little by little I tame the beast inside of her, and I thoroughly enjoy the process.

But I've also been very deliberate in keeping her separate from every other part of my life. I have an inkling of what she's capable of, but I don't want to be too familiar with the prospect of her losing her shit. 

So I keep a tight reign, just in case.

The demon within me loved the possibility that everything would erupt into flames, engulfing everyone I know into its path. 

The devil in me loves the thought of absolute destruction.

I snapped my right hand to her skull, pulling at her hair and sharply tugging her head back. I took a small step forward and placed the glass down on the counter, looking down at blue eyes.

"I'm tired of hearing you speak, pet." 

Using her hair to steer, I pull her around to the front of me and lead her toward the large red door in the back. 

With a firm grip on her hair, I reach around her to pull the door open and shover her toward the stairs, watching in amusement as she stumbles and catches herself on the railing. Scrambling to right herself, she walks down the stairs with her head down, and I follow behind in steady steps.

Today Katherine and I will be performing a scene. 

And  because she dared to mention the boy who refuses to leave my mind, I won't go easy on her.

This one's a little short, but I needed y'all to know the secret about your little professor ;)

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This one's a little short, but I needed y'all to know the secret about your little professor ;)

Let's keep it simple this time...What is your favorite color?

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