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"Aren't I supposed to be wearing my jersey like the rest of the team?" I asked Jocelyn as we got out of Firass's car.

"Like hell you are. You, my dear, Casey are a girl, and you deserve to look hot as hell." She told me, and I laughed. "Besides, Liam will not be able to take his eyes off of you. Is Stiles here?"

I shook my head. "No, he's been with Lydia all day trying to help her figure something out that had to do with her grandmother," I said as we walk into the party, and I saw a DJ, a huge fire pit in the shape of a cyclone, which I thought was pretty cool, and so many teenagers were dancing and drinking.

"This is insane!" I shouted when I saw everything.

"I know, isn't it fun?" She asked me, and I was still in shock with everything.

I screamed when two of my teammates picked me up and set me on their shoulders. I look down at them to see Henry Rodriguez and Leo Wilson.

"Give it up for Casey!" Henry shouted, and everyone started cheering, making me blush.

"Okay, put her down now, guys," Jocelyn said, and they both listen to her.

"Lookin' good, Argent!" Leo commented, and I smiled.

"I told you!" Jocelyn sing songs. I shook my head at her. "Hey, there's Liam!" I look over to see him hanging out with Mason, pouring alcohol into a soda bottle then drinking it.

"Come on!" We lock arms and make our way over to the guys, and Mason noticed us first.

"Hey, you two." Jocelyn greeted them, and Mason waved. Liam looked over at us, and his eyes widened when he saw me, almost choking on his drink, and I giggled.

"Hey! You mind?" I point to what he was drinking, taking the bottle from his hand and bringing it up to my lips, letting the harsh liquid go down my throat, ignoring the burning sensation that came with it.

"Go Casey!" Jocelyn cheers me on, and I finish what was left of it, which wasn't much, and I take it away from my lips.

"Thanks," I said, handing it back to him, and he looked at me in shock, especially when I leaned up to his ear.

"By the way, you can't get drunk. Werewolf perk." I whispered to him, and he shivered, making me giggle as I pull back.

"Come on, let's dance! Flirt later!" Jocelyn said, taking my hand, and we went over to the other teens that were dancing.

The both of us started dancing with each other, letting ourselves go to the music and just having fun as regular teens should have. I felt eyes on me the whole entire time, and I look over to see Liam staring at me. I give him a small wave, biting my lip a bit, and Mason started laughing.

"Hey!" I turn around to see Brett and Lyle with drinks in their hands.

"Those for us?" Jocelyn asked him, and he hands her the second drink in his hand while Lyle passed me the one in his.

"Thanks." I smiled, taking a sip of it, and I cringed a bit at the taste, but I'll get used to it. "Wow. This stuff is strong. Hey, Brett! How are you feeling?" I asked him, remembering how Violet tried to assassinate him for money.

"Better, thanks. Also, I never got to thank you for that day. Got guts." He said, and I shrugged.

"I like brave more. Or maybe courageous?" I suggested, and he chuckled. "Any time. I'm glad you're okay. Also, she's my bestie, so-"

"You'll hurt me if I hurt her?" He asked, and I shook my head.

"Yes, but what I was going to say is that she'll kick your ass if you hurt her," I said to him, and Lyle started to laugh.

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