Eleven - END

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       "____, you are aware your father has a sickness I cannot cure?" Aizawa spoke after his minutes of silence, causing the young woman to look to him confused.

"I wasn't going to ask you to, Aizawa-Sama." ____ looked up to the man with large, youthful, eyes. Innocence bled from her pores, so much so that it angered the god. "Sir, I'm simply trying to be your friend. Not gain favors or blessings."

"So, you know your father is cursed?" Aizawa asked, a new wave of confusion coming over his body. He was sure she wouldn't have the slightest idea how sick her father actually was, given her persistent density. "You know there is no cure for his disease?"

"I know." She nodded, a deep frown on her face. She knit her brows tightly, swallowing the tears threatening to rise. "But I prefer not to think of it. I can still cherish the time we have left together."

"Excuse me," Shoto spoke up from his bowl. "What disease?"

"I'm sure you've heard of it, Lord." Aizawa nodded, looking down at the boy. "It originated in Endeavors kingdom some years ago."

"Summoners sickness." Katsuki spoke up, keeping his eyes trained on the counter.

"I abused the magic I was gifted with as a child, now I suffer the consequences. It's nothing I don't regret." Dabi crossed his arms, dangerous blue eyes looking over his depressed daughter. He sighed, lips pulled thin. "____ was born without my gifts, thankfully, and didn't contract the sickness."

"T-this curry is really good, ____-chan." Izuku attempted to pipe up and change the subject. ____ was all to happy to oblige.

"I know! That's my fathers cooking for you!" She brightened immediately, spinning to give the dark haired boy a strong thumbs up.

"It cannot be cured, but It can be counteracted." Aizawa was not willing to let this conversation go, not this time. Dabi turned his cold eyes to the suddenly very stoic God of Restoration, and ____ looked up confusedly. Aizawa crossed his arms tightly over his chest. "Summoners sickness is curse my predecessor created and therefore I hold the ability to take away most, of not all, negative effects that shorten your life. I have half a mind to do so."

"Aizawa-Sama, please, don't." ____ begged the man, surprising everyone but her father. They had discussed this before. She left Katsuki's side to come to Aizawa's, hands clasped over her chest. He looked down at her in surprise. "It's not that I don't appreciate all the kindness you've shown me, believe me, I do. But... for the past five years I have lived knowing my fathers sickness is a result of the horrible things he did, knowing that he was personally paying for the suffering he caused others."

"I know he was never the kindest and I know he has a long list of things to be condemned for, and I would never ask a favor from you to erase his punishment for them." ____ gulped thickly, swallowing the swab of cotton in her throat. She kept her eyes from overflowing by looking at the scratched hardwood floor, missing the look Aizawa gave from above. "Please, I don't wish to soil my friendship with you over the sins my father committed. He may be all I have left, but I've come to terms with how it must be. We both have. Please, Aizawa-Sama, this is how my father is paying for his crimes."

"____," Aizawa reached out to ruffle her hair, making her look up with her large watery orbs. He looked fondly down at her, endearingly. "Given the chance I was to have a daughter, I would hope she would be as honorable as you. But, as I'm afraid, I'll have to go against your wishes."


"Summoners sickness was a cruel and inhuman punishment the God of Restoration before me placed in motion, and being as I am not him, I cannot remove it in its entirety." Aizawa gave the small girl a charming smile, carefully drying the tears from her cheeks. "I have spent decades releasing those affected by it from its life shortening effects, and I am bound by my own honor to do so for eternity. I cannot leave your father to suffer until his death, for doing so would be to break a promise."

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