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"Then I keep my promise." Katsuki placed a hand over his heart, feeling the light bump of inflamed skin. The heart inside a diamond. "I watch over her, as her guardian."

"I don't like you." Dabi admitted, flopping back down into the bed. "But you're good enough. Go comfort her. She needs it."

Katsuki didn't bother to say another word, stepping out of the room and closing the door behind him. The sound of pottery clanking and the slosh of water wasn't hard to miss, and Katsuki's animalistic ears followed it easily. The kitchen wasn't unlike the rest of the shop, but a solid flannel blanket sectioned off the back. It was strung up by scraps of twine, and behind it Katsuki could see a straw mattress on the floor.

____ herself was elbow deep in soapy water, a rag in her hands as she scrubbed bowl after bowl. Her face was streaked with puffy lines, but she was only sniffling. Katsuki watched as she worked out her emotions with physical labor, and understood why she was so exhausted.

"Hey, stop that." Katsuki reached forward, taking the bowl from her hand and setting it down on the counter. "You're going to give yourself blisters."

____ braced herself on the sink, head hung low as she sniffled a few more times. When she stood she plastered a smile on her face, taking a deep breath to calm her raging thoughts. She grabbed a dry rag and wiped her hands, turning to Katsuki who still held his concerned frown.

"Do you want some curry? I can make-"

"You sleep on the floor." Katsuki stated, his tone quiet, yet firm. "Your father is sick and dying, you take care of him. You run the shop by yourself. You cook and clean, all of it. You find time to take an offering to Aizawa's shrine, you find time to spend with me. And somehow, all the while, you manage to to smile. You smile, and you pass kindness wherever you go like it's nothing."

"Katsuki I-"

"Just listen." Katsuki held up his hand to stall her. "You are.... amazing. In every sense of the word and I don't think you hear that enough. I told you to put your faith in me, and I would always be there for you. I'm not saying you aren't capable of taking care of yourself, because you've already proved you can. But this lifestyle isn't healthy, and this strain you've put on yourself is killing you. I need you to let me help you. I need you... I just need you. Alive. Healthy. I'm here to help, to support, to do whatever you need me to do."

"When I told you to mark me, I made a promise." Katsuki stepped forward, his tails dropping as he watched ____ cry silently. They dragged gently against the wooden floors, but Katsuki wasn't paying them any attention.

He reached out, hooking her fingers with his own as he pulled her into his chest. Katsuki allowed her to wrap her arms around his waist and cry quietly into his chest. One of his hands caressed the back of her head and the other drew circles on her back.

Over the top of her head, something shiny caught his eye. On the other side of the room, behind the curtain and across from her straw cot, there was an alter. It was made from chopsticks and held together with small bits of twine, and all in all was very small. Nine cattails had been dried and hung, to symbolize himself, and some coins and origami littered the offering platter.

____ had broken his curse by praying to him, without asking for favors, and given him a reason to rekindle his flame.

"I don't understand..." ____ sniffled, her heart heavy and her soul yearning. "I don't have anything to give you in return."

"I don't want anything." Katsuki whispered, his voice low, caring. "Nothing material."

"Then why are you here?"

"Because..." Katsuki swallowed thickly. He was going to say it. He had too. Now was the perfect time, anyway. His face burned lightly. "Because I... love you."

"I love you too, Katsuki. But-"

"No, you idiot!" Katsuki pulled away and cupped her cheeks, tilting her head to look at his blushing face. Her watery eyes leaked their last tear as they gazed up at him, open and kind like they always were. Katsuki fought to keep his face from scrunching, feeling the hot red tint spread down to his shoulders. "I love you."

"I don't-"

Katsuki pressed his lips to hers in a desperate, loving kiss. Her body took a moment to understand, and another moment to react. She kissed back slowly, tentatively. When Katsuki began pulled away, ___ stood on her tiptoes, crashing her lips back into his and throwing her arms around his shoulders. Katsuki was stunned, but ate up her passion and responded with his own. A soft growl left his throat, his ears flat and tails whisking as he pulled her even closer, flush against his chest.

"I want you to choose me as your mate." Katsuki spoke after separating rather reluctantly. He huffed, freely inhaling her intoxicating scent. "I want to be there for you, to kiss you, to hold you, laugh with you, spend my life with you. I've already chosen you, I let you mark me."

"How do I choose you?" ____ asked, arms still wrapped around his neck, unwilling to let him go.

"I can only mark you during the bonding process, when I have the ultimate form of consent." Katsuki gulped at her innocently confused face, feeling his bashfulness rise. Did he really have to spell all this out? Yes. He did. "D-during s-sex."

_____'s face lit up brighter than Katsuki's.

"W-we don't have to do that a-anytime soon!" Katsuki was quick to add, feeling as though he'd suddenly come off too strong. He didn't want to scare her away. "Or at all! W-well, I mean, we have to, if-if you want me to be your mate. B-but I'm not forcing you into anything! I-I won't be upset if you don't want to, It has to be something you choose to do, h-hence choosing me."

"I-is being mates... like being married?" ____ asked, cheeks still tinted pink with bashfulness.

"It's stronger than marriage." Katsuki answered honestly, his hands sweaty from nervousness. "It's for life and eternity. There's no divorcing. Once you choose one mate, you can never pick again."

"B-but you're a god, you'll live forever-" ____ suddenly came to a realization. "I-I'm only human! One day I'll grow old and die, or get sick and die, or just die! Why would you choose me if you can never choose again?"

"Once I get some of my power back, I told you I would grant you any wish you desired..." Katsuki swallowed thickly and turned his head away, too bashful to look her in the eye. "I was hoping... you'd wish to stay by my side forever..."

"Katsuki!" ____ scolded lightly, making his head whip back to face her. She gaped, giving him a smack on the shoulder. "I'm too stupid for that! I was planning to wish for you to be happy, or something!"

"Then I would have made you immortal anyway!" Katsuki growled, his tails beating the air recklessly.

"Well I-!" _____ made a face and floundered for a a moment before deciding what to say. "Well, I trust you and I love you, too. A-and I want.. to choose you.."

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