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The ground was nice and dry for the season, a pleasant surprise to the woman with tattered clothes. She laid down her old cloak, setting the basket on top and then herself. A grunt was heard, and she looked up to watch an unhappy Katsuki throw his red trousers behind as he waded waist-high into the water. ____ was happy he'd brought her with him, even if he hadn't wanted to. She smiled, standing up.

"Katsuki?" She called out to the beast, who popped his head above water and twitched his ears to rid the moisture. He grunted in acknowledgment, watching with keen eyes. ___ lifted his dirty pants and pointed to the clear lake water. "Can I wash them for you?"

"Do whatever you want." He grumbled, floating back some. He rolled and swam the other way. "I don't care..."

____ got to work. She didn't have any soap, so she'd have to make use of the clear water to tell if the mud was gone or not. After about four dips, a blob appeared near her arms. She looked up with a smile.

"Why are you smiling, stupid?" Katsuki grunted, laying stomach down on the sandy bottom of the water. His body was submerged and hidden, apart from everything above his upper back and tails. Not that ____ was looking. She was more focused on his clothing.

"Because." She answered simply.

"Because why?"

"Because I like you. I like being by you, helping you, just... you."

Katsuki faltered at her words, but ultimately let out a soft smile anyway. Yeah... He thought to himself. I like being around you too.

"Are you done yet?" he asked her, quite brashly after erasing his smile before she could see it.

"Katsuki, I've only just started,"

"Come bathe with me."

"But I don't have any swimming clothes-"

"Come on," He let out a sinister smirk and a huff of laughter after splashing ___ with the cold, lake water. ___ let out a gasp of surprise. "Get in with me."

"Katsu- Oh!" With one firm tug, Katsuki pulled ___ into the water, making her tumble into the shallows. Katsuki let out a roar of laughter after seeing the shock on his companion's face. "Katsuki!"

"Well, now you're in with me!" His heavy laughter was contagious, and soon ___found herself giggling as well.

"Oh, all right. Only since you've already got me soaked." ___ let out a fake annoyed huff, standing out of the shallows where Katsuki still lied stomach down. "Let me go hang up your trousers and I suppose I'll swim too."

"Hurry up, human." Katsuki couldn't stop himself from admiring her body, old baggy clothes stuck to her curves like cellophane after the short dip. He rested his chin on his palms as he gazed upon her. He didn't bother to look up when ___ turned around. He'd long since realized how dense she could be and even if she had caught him, he wouldn't mind. Katsuki debated persuading her to take off her clothes and get in bare, but decided against it. He was an asshole, he didn't deny that, but he wasn't a piece of trash. He wouldn't take advantage of her, not anymore than he already had.

___ dipped into the water, slowly wading down. Katuki followed, prowling backwards next to her. He reached out, taking hold of her arm.

"Lets not go too deep, I can't sw-im!" Katsuki had already dragged her in, watching in amusement as she clung to his arm and shoulder. "Why don't you ever listen to me?"

"How am I supposed to teach you how to swim in the shallows?" Katsuki raised a brow, making ___ pout. "If your feet are always touching the bottom, you'll gain a false sense of security, and learn nothing."

"We could at least start slow..." ___ stuck out her bottom lip. Katsuki physically had to restrain himself from devouring her.

"I don't do 'slow'." Katsuki smirked as he leaned down closer to her thinly clothed shoulder and ear. "I do fast and hard..."

"Well in case you haven't noticed, which I'm sure you have," ___ suddenly took a defensive stance, startling the mellow kitsune. "I'm not the fastest learner nor the sharpest tool in the shed, so you best take me back to the shallows now before you drop me out of fustration and I drown!"

"..." Katsuki took a moment to recover from his surprise. "What kind of god would I be if I drowned my worshipers? Hey, look at me when I am speaking to you, mortal."

___ slowly raised her dipped chin, catching Katsuki's blazen gaze through her upper lashes.

"Have faith in me, and I shall never fail you. I offer you my loyalty as a gift for your offerings." Katsuki covered ___ lips with his warm hand when she parted them to speak, knowing she would say something stupid to negate his offer. "The amount of time I have spent isolated and defensive of my land has left me without any followers. I have been weakened in the absence of their prayers. My loyalty to you is all I have to give, I cannot grant you any wishes. Although, in these last few days, I feel as though I am growing stronger."

"One day, when my magic is no longer diluted, I will grant you any wish you desire." Katsuki removed his hand to release the now silent ___. "But for now, I ask that you except my gift, and have trust in me. Your guardian."

"Katsuki, you don't have to offer me anything. I don't bring you offerings to win your favor." ___'s grip around the kitsuine's muscled arm tightened only slightly, chilled from the water and seeking warmth. "I bring them because I know you like them, and I like making you happy."

"Then accept my offer." Katsuki pulled ___ around to his front, cascading her in his tails and arms as he provided heat to combat the cold water. She rested her hands on his shoulders, elbows tucked to curl in. "Say it. Say you accept it."

"I accept it, but I-"

"Mark me." Katsuki's brash and demanding tone caught ____ off guard, startling her. "We have to seal the bond, mark me."

"Well I.. I don't.. how do I-" the small peasant girl stumbled over her words, confused, overwhelmed, and afraid of drowning.

"Draw." Katsuki picked up her dominant hand and singled out her pointer finger. He held it up. "Pick a place, draw a symbol."

"On your-"

"On my skin."


"Goddamnit, it's magic ___. Just fucking do it." Katsuki let go of her hand, moving so quickly the water sloshed around them. She hesitated, but quickly touched the tip of her finger to his left peck. Her dainty digit gently dragged over the soft skin of his chest, smearing water droplets as it went. When she was done, she pulled away, afraid to set her hand down anywhere else for fear of 'marking' anywhere unintended. "You done?"

"Yeah..." ___ watched in awe as the mark began to appear. Katsuki's soft skin raised into a pink scar, a heart encased inside of a basic diamond shape. It looked as though her gentle touches had cut his skin and he had just begun to heal, the area inflamed, if only slightly. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't-"

"It's just a mark. There's no pain." Katsuki reassured, but was quick to realize he was slipping into a softer side of himself he didn't know existed anymore. A moment passed as they floated in the evening water, isolated from the dangerous city and bubbled in their own small world. The water was icy but Katsuki was a heater, holding ___ close to his chest as the warm breeze drifted over their exposed upper halves. As quick as it came, it ended. "Common, you won't learn how to swim by just floating here."

"O-okay, don't let me go."

Katsuki and ___ spent the last few hours of daylight drifting in the lake, engaging in playful banter with the occasional brash outburst from Katsuki. He still wasn't used to being around humans, even less so ones he desired to keep safe. It was a new experience for the both of them, they were making memories to cherish and learn from. When the sun had just begun to turn the sky orange, ___ decided it was time to get out.

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