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"I don't understand." ____ admitted, prompting Katsuki to explain.

"I-it's nothing. Not important." Katsuki cleared his throat and waved her off, shaking his head. "We don't need to talk about it right now."

"Will you tell me later?"

"Yeah! Yeah, later. Not now. Shut up about it."

"Okay, but, um..." ____ swallowed thickly, noticing the sun was high in the sky. "I really need to go home now."

"Responsibilities await me, as well." Aizawa nodded, a sigh escaping his lips. "You are both welcome in the castle anytime, and I'll try to stop by the curry shop sometime this week."

"Thank you, Aizawa-Sama. Your kindness will never be forgotten." ____ bowed her head, then moved to stand. Katsuki quickly followed, careful eyes watching for any wavering of her balance. He was still on edge after having to run her all the way to the castle.

"You can use my escort." Shoto stood as well, smoothing down his shirt. "I have a carriage ready that can take you."

"Oh, you really don't-"

"And I should probably escort you there." Izuku stood too, almost too quickly. He cleared his throat and placed a hand on his sword. "Y-you know, since this was a Castle Case."

"Good, I don't want to walk." Katsuki nodded at Shoto and pulled ____ under his arm. He glared at Izuku. "You're sitting up front."

____ didn't get a chance to protest, whisked away by the boys and ushered into a closed door carriage. Traveling always felt so quick to ____, she didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to Shoto.

"I didn't get to return the dress." ____ yawned, leaning on Katsuki's shoulder. He frowned, lifting his arm to wrap it around her side and pull her in.

"They don't want the dress back."

"You don't know that."

"Listen...." Katsuki started, debating on wether or not it was a good time to bring the subject up. "About the whole mate thing..."


The carriage came to a jerking halt. Katsuki stiffened, holding ____ tight so she didn't slip from the seat. The doors rattled open and let in a fresh forest breeze. They'd made it home.

"We're here." Izuku smiled.

"Tell Shoto I said goodbye, I didn't get a chance." ____ asked the raven boy, who flushed and nodded enthusiastically.

"Of course!" He gave a thumbs up. "And if you ever need anything, feel free to send me a letter anytime!"

"I will, Izuku-kun." ____ waved goodbye, leading Katsuki into the old and worn shop. "Common, Katsuki, I'll show you inside."

The shop door was thin and had no lock, so ___ pushed it open easily. Katsuki frowned, but was pleased to find the inside of the shop was much cleaner and welcoming. The chairs were worn and the floor was scratched, but all in all it was a nice place.

"Dad?" ____ called, slipping behind the counter to a door Katsuki almost missed. He followed, a bit behind. "Dad?!"

"I'm here," Came the raspy voice of a man, Katsuki stepped inside the room. It was a simple wood room, with not but a bookshelf, desk, and a bed. The man who's voice sounded sickly and tired sat up, revealing a head of dark hair and dark purple scars. "Where have you been? I was worried."

"I'm sorry," ____ sat on the bed and gave him a hug. Her fathers eyes flecked up, striking cyan orbs boring holes into Katsuki's vermilions. She pulled away and drew her fathers attention back to her.

"What are you wearing- who?"

"It's a long story, papa." ____ sighed, her eyes tired and heavy like her fathers. She turned to Katsuki, lightening a little. She waved him forward. He did so, albeit reluctantly, and shoved his hand deep in his pockets. "This is Katsuki, the Kitsuine I've been bringing offerings to."

"Is that so." Her father looked up at him, noticing the wild display of his tails and ears. He held out a hand and Katsuki took it firmly. "Dabi. It's good to finally meet you."

"Katsuki, likewise." Katsuki tucked his hand back deep in his pocket.

"____ I-" Dabi was cut off by a string of wheezing coughs, his head turning into his shoulder to keep from coughing into anyone's space. ____ grabbed a rag from the end of the bed, handing it to her father to cough into. When it pulled away, there was blood. "I'm running out of time."

"Don't say that." ____ frowned, helping her father lay back onto the bed. "Just rest. If Lord Todoroki stays in town a little longer, I'll be able to afford a Doctor."

"A doctor can't fix me." Dabi grunted, and he took a deep, painful breath. His eyes turned to Katsuki. "You're responsible for her now, understand?"

"Yes sir." Katsuki whispered, a frown on his lips. It was truly hard to witness, the father of a woman like ____ wasting away before his daughters very eyes. For a man with such dangerous eyes, he'd created such a gentle woman. "She's in good hands."

"I-" ____ choked on her words, both men turning to watch her stand from the bed. "I'm gunna go wash the dishes."

Katsuki watched as she brushed past, eyes teary. His heart crumbled a little more. Dabi grunted and forced himself to prop up, glaring into the depths of Katsuki's soul.

"I should kill you now," Dabi grunted. "Save my ghost the trouble later."

"I don't understand." Katsuki spoke evenly.

"My daughter isn't as cunning as her father. She's dense, and I know you know it." Dabi squinted, each word spoken slowly with a malice only a dying man could muster. Katsuki swallowed thickly, slightly intimidated. "I've watched men and women try to take advantage of her since she was a child, try to manipulate her. I can't stop all of them. Sometimes they succeed."

"I don't have any ill intentions with ___." Katsuki admitted. He scrunched his brows and wet his lips nervously. "I don't know if it means anything to you, but I've chosen her as my mate. I still need to speak with her about bonding, but if she chooses me.... kitsuine's mate for life."

"And if she rejects you?" Dabis words struck Katsuki though the chest. He hadn't put too much thought into it, too afraid to face the reality.

"Then I keep my promise."

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