Among us again

990 17 9

Percy Jackson
Name: Cookie
Color: Blue

Annabeth Chase
Name: Owl
Color: Dark Green

Name: Golden Girl
Color: Yellow

Frank Zhang
Name: Frank
Color: Purple

Jason Grace
Name: kill blue
Color: lime

Piper McLean
Name: I was
Color: Pink

Leo Valdez:
Name: FIRE
Color: Orange

Peter Parker:
Name: SpiderMan
Color: Cyan

Tony Stark:
Name: TheBest
Color: Red

Nico D'Angelo
Name: GhostKing
Color: Black


Cookie: yay! Another game

Owl: you know you put it on public right?

Cookie: oops

SpiderMan: hi!

TheBest: peasant

GhostKing: oh no there's people

TheBest: you joined a public server

GhostKing: it wasn't supposed to be public

SpiderMan: oh we can leave

TheBest: we're not leaving it took us 15 minutes to find a sever that was appropriate for SpiderMan

SpiderMan: am not 5 people can cuss in front of me

TheBest: no

FIRE: Don't worry no ones allowed to cuss in front of golden girl either

Cookie: we will preserve her innocent

SpiderMan: why is your name Cookie?

Cookie: because I'm blue

SpiderMan: what does that have to do with cookies?

Cookie: everything

Cookie started the game

Kill Blue reported Cookies body

SpiderMan: this looks kinda sus

Kill Blue: oh come on my name is a joke you guys know I'd never kill Cookies he's my bro

Owl: this wouldn't be the first time you guys betrayed each other in among us

Kill Blue: but this times different! Why would I self report if this was my name?

I was: he does have a point

Owl: fine any sus?

Kill Blue: well Cookie almost always follows you around

Owl: And I always hate when he does that so I ditch him well he was doing a task

Frank: where was the body?

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