Chapter 1

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The sun shines through my blinds, casting a gentle morning golden glow throughout my bedroom. I stretch and lazily drag myself out of bed. I'm still tired from tossing and turning last night - I couldn't sleep.

My floor is covered in clothes and school books. I step over several jurisprudence textbooks. Among them I see a copy of Dante's Inferno. I scold myself for being so careless - it would be strange to see a member of Candor reading for luxury. I pick up the book and shove it into the back of my shelf, among the rest of the books I've collected over the years.

After my shower, I stand in front of my mirror and look at myself. Droplets of water fall from my face. My eyes are tired and have the bags to prove it. How do I feel? I feel excited. That's not entirely true. I feel more so nervous.

"Dishonesty is rampant, Dishonesty is temporary, Dishonesty makes evil possible," I repeat to myself.

I don't hate my faction. In fact, I admire it. I love and value honesty. My relationship with it, however, is not entirely fit for a life in Candor. It's as simple as this: I have secrets and private thoughts, and transparency to others is not something I am interested in manifesting.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts and dry the rest of my body. After applying my coconut-vanilla body lotion, I don the outfit I'd chosen for the day - loose-fitting black linen pants with a plain white blouse tucked in. Typical Candor colour palette. I apply some berry-coloured blush to my nose and under my eyes for an "effortlessly tired" appearance and some electric blue liner to highlight my irises. That's better. Something to add to the black and white.

I tidy my bedroom and make sure my books are safely hidden from view.


"Morning, honey," says Mom. I smile tiredly and nod at her and Dad. Dad peers at me over the top of his glasses.

"Any idea what you'll choose this afternoon?" he inquires.

"None," I reply. This is mostly true.

"You'll do the right thing."

"Yeah," I say passively. What is the right thing and what if I don't want to do it? I think. My father and I don't have a good relationship, to be frank. A part of me admires how he is able to lie so well but also be the epitome of a good Candor citizen. Another part of me hates his hypocrisy. I think of all the pain he has caused, but shut down my thinking before it gets too intense for me. I prefer to avoid these issues.


"I know we aren't supposed to ask but... what were your results?" Kali asks me. She's been my best friend for ten years and I trust her with nearly everything. But I do decide to exercise caution pertaining to my results.

"Candor," I reply. She doesn't catch the lie, despite the fact that she's definitely one of the most intelligent people I know.

"Me too," she states. "But you know - I think I might transfer."

"Really?" I ask. "Where?"

"No idea yet. But I'm bored. I need a change of scenery. You should transfer, too! We could get government jobs at different factions and visit each other."

"Or we could transfer to the same faction..."

"Nah, we need a woman on the inside wherever we can get one," she says with a joking wink.

At last, we approach the grand entrance of the
building. Daunting stairs lead to elegant columns in front of the large doors. We enter the building and find our seats.


Jeanine Matthews walks onto the stage, immediately causing an eerie crescendo of silence to fall over the auditorium. She is cold and fierce. Her blond hair is parted in the middle and tied in a neat and professional low bun. A calm blue dress brings out the little colour in her eyes. Her glasses give her an executive look, though she'd appear so regardless of attire. She is intimidating and beautiful.

"Good afternoon," she says. Her voice is smooth and void of feeling. "Today is the annual Choosing Ceremony. We are here today to see our new generation of members through their decision. They have had the first part of their lives to adapt to or reject their birth factions. Today they will show us which it is."

Then, she addresses us. "Initiates, today determines your future. You will choose your home and family. This decision cannot be reversed. Choose wisely."

She pauses briefly. I know it's for dramatic effect.

"Will you choose Erudite, where we value knowledge?" Maybe, I think to myself. "Will you choose Dauntless, where they value courage?" Also maybe. "Candor, where they value honesty?" Definitely not. "Maybe you'll choose Abnegation, where they appreciate selflessness. Or Amity, where peace is the highest good." I cannot see myself in either of those factions.

"Our world works like a puzzle," she continues. Her monologue is standard but delivered with charisma and conviction. "We value different things and associate with each other based upon these values. Working apart, we combat that which we are equipped to combat. Working together, we maintain order. I hope you have all given thought to which faction you would like to choose. It is not a light decision."
With that, Jeanine steps aside and gestures to Max, a leader from Dauntless I believe, to begin reading the names.

Several people choose before I do. It's an even mix between transfers and non-transfers. Some parents are stricken with their children's' choice to leave, others look proud.

"Kali Mendoza," says Max. I squeeze her hand.

"Good luck. Whatever you choose, we'll see each other soon," I say. She smiles and heads up to the stage. I watch her cut her hand and let her blood fall into the bowl of— Dauntless?

I am surprised at her choice; Kali is outgoing, but I wouldn't have taken her for a Dauntless. Irregardless, I am happy she chose to transfer. She stuck to her word, I guess. She looks my way as she heads to the crowd of black and I smile at her. She doesn't need to think twice - it's genuine.

More people are called. At last, I hear my name.

"Selene Abeles." He's pronounced my name wrong, the way everyone does when they read it off. "It's 'Se-len,' not 'Se-leen,'" I mutter under my breath, more so out of habit than anything else.

I proceed to the stage and see Jeanine eyeing me. I know she is observing me, trying to predict what I'll choose. This event is probably a game to her, in which she can see how correct she is at forecasting results and determine a new strategy of forecasting to improve for the next year. I wish I knew what she was thinking.

I approach the bowls and glance at each one. I am slightly dizzy and still unsure of what I will choose. The soil in Amity's bowl is unappealing right away, as are the pebbles from Abnegation. I look longingly at the broken glass of Candor, knowing I won't choose it but admiring the gleam of the sunlight bounding from the shards. I am stuck between the cool, calm water of Erudite and the fiery coals of Dauntless. Seeing the decision in front of me and knowing I am obligated by time, I know now.

I drag the knife across my hand and hover it over the bowl. I don't hesitate.

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