Chapter 6

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Avi, Sophie and Keith grab us from the cafeteria and lead us through the Pit to a secluded elevator.

"We're going to one of the roofs," says Avi. "It's our spot. It's awesome."

When we exit the elevator, the view takes my breath. I see all of Chicago surrounding me. The grand Erudite library is lit up for students studying, scientists researching, and curious children learning. I see the courthouse farther away. It's the most relevant building to Candor. Office lights are still on, which I am not surprised by. Alongside the Erudite, Candor is known for being up at ungodly hours throughout the night. Further still are the modest homes belonging to Abnegation. They aren't particularly exciting to look at. Finally, I see the fields of Amity. I've been to each faction throughout the nights. I miss my nightly trips. I remember the feel of wind on my face while I would lean out of the moving train, embracing the peace that came with my solitude.

Besides the beauty and impeccable layout of the city designed by the Erudite, the night sky looms above us, blanketing the city. I am comforted by the presence of the millions of twinkling stars and, of course, the milky-white moon.

"Alright, we'll each take one of you then," says Avi. We pair up - Luna with Sophie, Kali with Keith, and me with Avi.

We spread out across the rooftop - there is plenty of space for all of us. The ground is not kind, and I will have to avoid being thrown down so I don't end up with scrapes and bruises from the gravel. I'll have to be alert.

"Ready?" asks Avi?

I nod.


We ended up practicing for a couple of hours. I am worn out and sore, but in a good way. I feel ready for tomorrow - Avi didn't hold back. We head back to the Pit. Avi and Keith throw punches at one another, fighting in good faith. Sophie lingers behind, rolling her eyes at them.

"They're so stupid," she says, laughing. "I'd ask how you girls are liking Dauntless but I'm sure you're tired of feeling like transfers. Wanna ditch the boys and come to the club with me?"

"You guys go ahead," says Luna. "I'm not a party person. Besides, we should probably get rest before tomorrow."

"Girl, it's not even 10! And I wasn't a party person, either, before I came to this place. Trust me - you'll love it. It's a good way to relieve the nerves and have some fun before the fight."

Luna shrugged, and with that, it was decided.

Sophie leads us through some hallways in the Pit. We reach a big steel door guarded by a large, bulky man.

"Hey, Carlos," Sophie says. "The girls are with me."

"Have fun, ladies," he replies, opening the door for us.

There is a flight of stairs leading downwards. As soon as we begin to descend, I hear - and feel - the music. It's loud and persistent. It literally causes my body to vibrate. Multi-coloured lights strobe throughout the massive space, shining pinks and purples and blues over dozens, if not hundreds, of gyrating bodies. With so many people, I expect to feel claustrophobic, but the space is so large it is not uncomfortable.

Sophie leads us to the bar.

"Don't drink too much!" she shouts to be heard over the music. "Don't forget we have responsibilities tomorrow." She turns to the bartender. "The usual," she yells.

He prepares a drink and hands it to her. It is a fluorescent, opaque purple that glitters for some reason. I doubt Kali and Luna know what it is, either. None of the other factions are big on drinking. Sophie must realize this. She turns back to the bartender and says "three more, for my friends."

He hands us the same things. I sniff mine - it smells like alcohol, but also gently sweet.

"You drink it like a shot!" shouts Sophie. "On three!"

We down our drinks at her count. It tastes like some sort of an alcoholic fruit juice - not grape, like I would have expected due to its colour, but something like passionfruit. I enjoy the taste. Suddenly, my body feels lighter. Something in my brain switches, and I smile. I am ready to party. I pull the girls to the floor and begin dancing.


It feels like we've been on the floor for a couple minutes, but I know it must have been significantly longer - my body is tired. The problem is, my brain is not, so I need to sober up so I can get some sleep tonight.

"I'm grabbing us some cocoa," I tell the girls. "Let's call it a night. Wait for me in one of the booths."

"She's right," says Sophie. "If we don't come down soon we'll be too tired to fight properly tomorrow."

The drink is still coursing through my veins. I dance as I make my way to the stairs. I am about to ascend when I bump into somebody. I look up in surprise - it's Eric. He looks at me in surprise, but doesn't say anything.

"Eric!" I say, smiling wide.

"Initiate," he replies. He appears to be somewhat amused.

"You are..." Something in the back of my mind tells me to shut up.

"Yes?" he coaxes.

"Not hard on the eyes," I finish, slightly slurring my words.

He chuckles, which surprises me. I sway on accident and grab on to his arm to steady myself.

"Alright, initiate, you've got to sober up," he says.

"I agree," I reply, my grip on his arm lingering for longer than necessary. He doesn't push me away. "I'm off to get cocoa for me and my girls. I'll see you tomorrow," I say with a giggle, removing my arm and climbing the stairs.

"Lena," he calls. I turn to face him, and he looks up at me. "You're drunk, so I'll cave. You're not so hard on the eyes, either. Don't let that get to your head, though, it really doesn't mean much."

I giggle again. He smiles and bumps my chin with his hand. His smile is dark and sexy and void of the usual grumpiness his expressions typically have.

"Sure," I reply, still slurring. "I'll grow on you. I'm certain of it." Once again, the back of my mind is telling me to stop making a fool of myself, but I am passive to it.

"Go on, initiate," he says. "Get out of here and get sober. Big day tomorrow."

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