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A drenched Y/n walks down the hallways, ignoring the students giving her weird looks as she opens her locker, hoping she has an extra pair of clothes. She groans when she sees that her locker is empty of clothes.

She closes her locker and turns around to be met with someone holding out their jacket. "You look like you need this more than me." The unknown boy said.

Y/n looks at the black cotton jacket then, confusingly, at the blond-haired boy. He didn't take her silence for a 'no' so he placed his jacket over her shoulders. She hesitated, "Oh no you don't need to-."

"It's fine." He smiles before walking away. Y/n just stands there confused on what just happened.

"Y/n are you okay? I can't believe Chan just did that." Sujin said, breaking Y/n from her thoughts.

"Huh?" The girl muttered.

Sujin furrowed her eyebrows, "Where'd you get that jacket?" She asks.

"Someone- some guy just handed it to me. I didn't know who he was." Y/n told her cousin.

Sujin took ahold of Y/n's shoulders, "Let's just head to homeroom, I wasn't really feeling today's lunch anyways."

Y/n just nods, "Okay."



Murmuring. Murmuring. Murmuring.

Chan lowers his head as he walks into his homeroom with his classmates looking at him. He slid into his seat, turning back to face his friends. "You don't think everyone saw right?" He mumbled.

Jisung smacked his lips, "I'm pretty sure everyone in the canteen saw." Chan groans into his seat.

"Okay class quiet down." Mrs. Yang came walking in. "We actually have a new student joining us today. If you would please come in and introduce yourself." She called for the student who was waiting in the halls.

The same guy who gave Y/n his jacket came walking next to the teacher, in front of the class. He had a big smile on his face, which could almost light up a room. "Hello guys. My name is Lee Felix and I'm from Australia. Please take care of me." He politely bowed, finishing his introduction.

"Great Felix. You can sit..." She looks around the classroom. "Sit next to Bang Chan right there." She pointed at the empty seat next to the boy.

Felix walked over and gladly took his seat. "Hey." He greeted his seat-mate. All that Chan sees is a nice guy but he couldn't bother to smile back when he thinks back to what he did in the canteen.

The two boys in the back notice and stepped in. "Don't mind Chan here, he just got into a little trouble with his ex-girlfriend." Hyunjin said.

"I'm Hyunjin and this here is Jisung. We are going to be your new friends." He exclaimed. Felix smiled back due to the boy's contagious smile.

"So you mentioned that you're from Australia? Chan here is also from there." Jisung said. Felix turns to the said boy. "Really? That'll make us brothers then." Still no smile.

"He loves it." Hyunjin patted Felix's shoulder before looking back at the teacher in the front.

After school

"I'll catch you guys later." Chan quickly said before running away. Felix furrowed his eyebrows. "He's gonna talk to his ex." Hyunjin nodded knowing that he just answered Felix's question.

He then hung his arm around the boy's neck. "Do you like video games?" He asks.

"Who doesn't?" Felix grins.

Jisung nodded from the other side of Felix, "Good answer."


"Y/n I have that art club meeting today, will you be okay walking home alone?" Sujin asks. The said girl nodded, "I'll be okay. As long as I don't run into you-know-who." She muttered.

"I'm sorry for what happened but remember that he's also your best friend. I'll make sure to head over to your house right when I'm done, okay?" Sujin reassured her.

Y/n pursed her lips into a small smile as she nods before Sujin walked away.

Y/n then takes a deep breath in before walking off campus, walking her usual route home.

You would think that being the daughter of two famous parents she would be bombarded by people if she walks home, but it was the complete opposite. Having a driver pick her up from school attracts more attention so instead she likes to walk home with Sujin.

Usually when Sujin has her club meetings, Y/n would just walk home with Chan but you get the story.

After 10 minutes of walking she sees a convenience store just ahead. Knowing that a Melona ice cream bar will cheer her up she reaches for her wallet from her backpack.

She stops walking for a second when she notices that she's still wearing the jacket that boy from earlier gave her. It was already too late to give it back to him right now so she decided to find him first thing in the morning when she gets to school to give it back to the boy.

Y/n stops in front of the door to successfully reach for her backpack to grab her wallet until she hears the bell ring, signaling that someone just walked out.

The person who just walked out was then holding two Melona bars in front of her. She looks up to see Chan with an innocent smile on his face.

"Are you gonna smash these in my face too?" She retorted. The boy's mouth gaped as he shook his head, "I bought this for you to enjoy...and to apologize."

Y/n nodded, "Apology accepted." She was about to walk away before Chan grabbed her wrist. "Please..." He frowned.

She looks at the boy, she feels bad at how miserable he looks right now. To take off some of the guilt she took one of the ice cream bars from his hand and opened it.

Chan looks at her and slightly lifted the corner of his lips. "Can I walk you home?" He asks. She hesitated at first but she agreed and nodded.

The two began walking side by side as they enjoy their ice cream bars.

"Y/n we really need to talk about what happened yesterday-"

Y/n shook her head, "You don't need to explain yourself. It happened...the whole school knows...and nothing you say could change anything." She explained.

She then stops mid-walk, "If you'd please, I would like to just walk in silence and maybe the next time we see each other, we should forget whatever happened between us and go back to being just best friends."


"Silence." She nodded before continuing to walk. Chan was sinking in everything she just said which resulted him into walking in a slower pace.

Y/n didn't bother waiting up for him because she knew it was already as awkward as it was.


"Thanks for walking me home and for the ice cream." Y/n pursed her lips as she hangs onto her front door.

Chan was hoping that she would invite him in but he knew that it wasn't going to happen any time soon again.

"I guess goodbye." She said.

"See you-" Chan said before Y/n closed the door. "...Later." He awkwardly added.

The boy stands on the front porch as he lets out a sigh. He wasn't going to give up just yet, no not yet, he will get her back. "But exactly how will I do that" He thought.

Mistake |Felix x Y/N x Chan|Where stories live. Discover now