𝐅𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐦𝐞 || Childe

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Childe x gender neutral reader

Kinda fluff 


The sun hasn't even risen in the early hours of you're hometown Snezhnaya as you were already standing on the battlefield with the no. 11 of the Fatui harbingers, Tartaglia.

You knew the ginger-head since you're childhood and the two of you used to play together in the snow of your hometown. He was always protective towards you, more than to others and that didn't get unnoticed by you but of course, you just thought that the boy was thankful to have a friend since there weren't much children around.

As the years passed, the boy developed a dream. A dream to become the strongest man that excites.

Even if you thought that this wasn't good for him and wouldn't end well, you didn't said a word and instead supported your dearest friend, even as he became of the Fatui harbingers.

It was a dangerous job, that for sure, but still, for the sake of the young man that you still knew under the name Ajax, you accepted it.

As time passed by, he challenged you more often to fight with him. The most people thought that it's just a waste in time to fight against you since you're appearance was rather that from a weak bystander and nothing more, but Childe knew better than that. He knew how strong you were and that it surely was not a simple task to defeat you.

So here you were, standing in the snowy fields where you always had fought the harbinger and you recognized as your battlefield by now.

Even with you're strength that no one should understate, you just couldn't win against the
ginger-head before.

But today should be different, you thought.

Today you would win.

The fight was already ongoing since hours and you both were almost on you're limit, but nobody wanted to surrender.

There was a little distance between you two as you ran with all you're lasted strength towards Childe, appearing behind him and pushed his shoulder forward as you're leg was placed in front of his, to pull it backwards, as the harbinger fell forward to the ground, not having the strength to do anything against it.

You towered over him as he lay face first on the ground,  you're hands on his arms to tuck him at the snowy ground.

Did you win?

It was too good to be true that you finally won, but the male under you, wasn't finished yet.

He quickly raised his arm, that you were still holding, in the air as you lost your balance and he pushed you to the side so you were now laying on the ground yourself, just with the back on the ground and not the stomach as the harbinger before.

You hissed slightly because of the impact and you couldn't react fast enough as Childe had already turned around and was now the one who hold you're arms to the ground.

Trying to free yourself under the harbinger, you quickly noticed that the fight most likely be over now. You hadn't the strength to push the male off of you.

The adrenaline that was still floating trough you're body didn't let you noticed before how close you actually were to Childe. You're faces were mere inches anyway as you could clearly feel his heavy breath against you're nose and some strands of his hair were tickling you're forehead.

Just staring in his ocean-blue orbs, the cold of the snow touching you're body wasn't felt anymore as the warmth of his breath was still ticking you're nose.

It was like the time had stopped as the two of you were just staring at each other, enjoying the warmth of the other.

You could see his orbs slowly moving from you're eyes down to you're lips, knowing what would come next as he lowered his face with every second, coming closer and closer towards yourself.

You're heart was racing in you're chest, knowing that this moment was something you desired the most for a long time now, but never being able to be honest to yourself, saying that there was nothing you felt towards this man.

But you couldn't be more wrong.

Longing after what would come next, you closed you're eyes as you're faces were almost touching.

A split second later, you felt the harbingers lips pressed against yours. They were soft and warm, not the slightest bit harsh as you expected.

It felt like the kiss lasted for a millennia of years, like everything just stopped moving around you to give you this moment.

You don't wanted it to end but broke the kiss nevertheless to catch your breath since you don't had much left after the fight.

You're face was just a few inches apart from the harbingers again as you felt his breath being much heavier than before.

You couldn't help but chuckle at this moment as Childe did the same, the two of you were just laying on the ground, now laughing like two idiots as the harbinger couldn't hold himself on his arms anymore and buried his face in you're shoulder, letting himself fall on top of you, still smiling to himself.

"( Y/N )...?"

He said silently but still audible for you to hear since his face was almost besides you're ear.

"Mhm.... what is it?"

You asked, smiling at the sky that was above you.

"I love you"

He said, almost as whisper as his smooth voice rang through you're ear.

"I love you too"


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I literally have no clue if this story is good or not and I don't really know if you can call it a fluff or not

But if you enjoyed reading, I'm glad <3

Anyway, the next chapter is going to be a requested one ♡

And just for you to know, I'm not going to write an A/N on the end of every story, just if I have to say anything lol

Yeahh I hope y'all enjoyed this story <3

~ Author-Chan

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