𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 || Xiao

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Xiao x gender neutral reader



It was sunset as many people at Liyue harbor hastily closed their shops on the side of the streets so they could walk home before the now orangish sun wouldn't be seen at all anymore — don't wanting to be out at the death of night.

A little further away from the harbor, at the wangshu inn — a place where many traveler would stay at night before continuing there adventure — the lights slowly also begun to go out as now the bright full moon and the many stars were the only cause of any light.

One lonely sole however, was still sitting on the roof of the inn, watching the stars that shone so bright at his pale skin.

Xiao — the Yaksha that signed a contract with Rex Lapis, the Geo archon, a few thousand years ago, who is watching over the mortals around Liyue to protect them from danger, even with only a handful  people knowing of him and his doings.

He wasn't someone who thought so good about mortals, in fact — he thought they were just a burden. But he never dared to say this words out loud since it was his duty to protect these who were in need of it.

But after all, he had his reasons to despite these humans, hadn't he?

This one specific reason that came up his mind every time he would look at the night sky — seeing all the stars and the moon that remained almost the same day after day, even after a thousand of years.

It reminded him of you.

Once upon a time, when the Archon war was almost over — in fact, a few thousand years ago, the Yaksha sat at the same place at recently, where the wangshu inn would be at, a few hundred years after — where now only was a rock in the middle of nowhere.

Back then, you were a simple mortal coming from Inazuma as your were sent to take over the nation with a bunch of other recruits.

You didn't even knew how you ended up there since your fighting skill was beyond them of all the other ones as you weren't even blessed with special ability's like some other would be.

You and the young Yaksha just came across each other as Xiao was sent out to take down the Inazuma troops — slaughtering them to no end as only a massacre of splattered blood and flesh was remained.

You were sitting on the ground, shaking in fear as you saw the Yaksha in front of you — tainted in red.

But somehow, the male looked down at the figure on the ground and had a feeling he never had before. He didn't wanted to kill you. And so — he decided to take you with him, not sure himself why he did that.

The Yaksha knew too well that he couldn't bring you to his comrades since still — you were sent from Inazuma so you were basically an enemy.

So he stayed at that rock in the middle of nowhere with you, having the urge to protect the fragile figure of yourself for some unknown reason to him.

Why did he even did this?

He should kill you back then.

But he couldn't.

Days passed as the Yaksha would come back to where you stayed at the stone and so you two grew closer to each other with every day, week and month that had passed.

"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"

You asked as you set on top of the rock, Xiao sitting right besides you as the male now also looked up at the night sky, seeing all the lights that erupted from it. Sure, it wasn't the first time he saw the stars and the full moon, but never before it felt so peaceful and calming to him.

The night was something that was a sign for him that it was the best time for attacking and slaughtering the sleeping enemies of his — the best time for a murder, he thought.

But that now, was something different.

He longed for nothing more then moments like these, wanting to sit next to you and watching the stars in all their glory — just a little bit of peace.

But that was something that the Yaksha wasn't meant for. He wasn't meant to become what he desired the most as one fateful day — he would come back to the rock where you two once sat, and be met with a blood bath, seeing you laying on the ground in  a puddle of red liquid as your own comrades — recruits of Inazuma were sent to make rid of you.

They had no need for you anymore, not for someone who would betray their own hometown to be with someone of the other sides.

It was the ignorance and selfish behavior of the mortals that were leading to this end — and Xiao knew that too well.

The feeling of slaughtering all humans near him was something he never longed for this much as he did in that moment.

He despised humans for their way of handling things, he was disgusted by their mindlessness but was now sentenced to protect those who took the most important thing from him — without receiving anything in return.

It was a lonely life, that for sure. But even after a thousand of years, he was waiting for you to return in some sorts of way, watching the night-sky with his hopes of a small thing.

"The moon is beautiful, indeed..."


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Ok I honestly don't have a clue about this whole archon-war stuff since I'm too lazy to read all the background story's of Xiao and Zhongli lol

So yeahh

And as you see, it's angst. Again. I just love angst, can't do anything about it 💆‍♀️

But anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading and
had / have a good day

~ Author-Chan

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