CHAPTER 1 - Deal

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Y/n's POV:

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Y/n's POV:

"HAHAHAHAH Now! The deal isn't that bad! Come on Stanford! Shake my hand and your family won't be in the way!" I said as I was grinning even though I had no mouth. Both Dipper and Mabel are still in my hands.

" Wait! I surrender, Fine... I'll do it. I'll take your deal" He said as my eye widened from joy and excitement.

"Really? No tricks?" I said in confirmation as he nods firmly. "Well, then good choice," I said as I dropped both Dipper and Mabel on the ground.

"No tricks" He firmly said as his brother was stopping him to do it. I was now in joy as my plan of taking over the whole Universe will be fulfilled.

"HAHAHA Even when you're about to die you Pines twins just can't get along," I said as I chuckled, I then snap my fingers as my triangle cage opened as I tied up his twin.

"My only condition is to let my brother and the kids go!" He said sternly.

"Fine," I said as those two brats are forcing him to stop. 

"It's a Deal!" I said as I let out my hand as blue flames erupt from it. He then grabs my hand as I turned into stone. As I went out of my body and into Stanford's mind with a laugh.

I was now in Stanford's mind as everywhere is white.

"Oh! I'm here! I'm finally here!" I said as excitement rush through me. "Look at this place, A perfectly calm and orderly Void," I said as my triangular body floated towards a door. "Got to hand it to you Ford you really know how to clear your mind...-" I stopped my sentence as when I opened the door to reveal Stanley and not Ford.

"WHAT!?" I said angrily as I was confused.

"Hehe, Doing a pretty good impression of my brother don't I? Switch clothes and no one could tell us apart," Stanley said. "Welcome to my mind! Surprised you didn't recognize it"

"What!? The deals off!" I said as the door closed behind me as blue flames blocked it for me to exit. "What the!? No no no no no!!!" I said as I was panicking.

"Oh yeah! You're going down Y/n" He said as he lay back on the couch, "You're getting erased! Memory gun, Pretty clever huh?" He said as I was looking for a way out.

"Y-You Idiot! Don't you realize that you're throwing your own mind too!?" I asked.

"Meh, It's not like I was using the space so much anyway" He answered.

"Let me out here! Let me out!" I said as I was about to use my flames as it then vanished my eye then widened. "AH! Why isn't this working!?" I said.

"Hey look at me! Turn around! Turn around and look at me you one-eyed demon!" Stanley said as I turned around. "You're a real wise guy but you made one fatal mistake!" He said as he pointed at me. "You mess with my family!"

"YOU'RE Making a mistake! I'll give you anything! Money! Fame! Riches! Infinite power! Your own galaxy! PLEASE! AHhHHHHhhhH STANLEY!!!!" I said as I then started to glitch.

"YOU'RE Making a mistake! I'll give you anything! Money! Fame! Riches! Infinite power! Your own galaxy! PLEASE! AHhHHHHhhhH STANLEY!!!!" I said as I then started to glitch

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I then start to say my last words backward.

"(A-X-O-L-O-T-L, my time has come to burn! I invoke the ancient power that I may return!)" 

I said as I disappeared completely and the last face I met was Stanley's. Everything went black as I felt... Nothing... Empty... Did I regret the things I did? Or did I feel guilt? I should just wait until I return? Or should I just... Change...? Into a better person or demon...


"AHHHHHH!" I yelled out as I breath out. I felt that everything is now different... I looked around as these people are looking at me weirdly.

"Hey! Miss are you okay!? Why are you laying in the middle of the road!?" A voice yelled as I looked over to the sidewalk as I see policemen was running over in my direction. I gasp as I was in the middle of the road as I then felt my chest was heavy but then ignored it as I jumped as I thought I was going to float like I usually do but instead I was back on the ground with a thud.

'W-what? I can't float' I thought as the only way I can do is to turn these people into weird creatures or to run. But I chose to turn them into creatures as I snapped my fingers as nothing happened as I snapped again and again but nothing the only way to escape is to run.

I run in the other direction as It was really hard to do it as my chest felt heavy as I was confused they called me, miss? I was now walking as I looked up and to see buildings as I was in a city and not on Gravity falls. The sun was setting as it was turning into nighttime. 

I walked around as everything about me felt different I was in a body? But I really don't know whose body I'm in as it was really hard to control as I tried to take Dipper's body and it was not that easy. But this one I can control it so easily.

I looked down at my fleshy hands as It was covered in flesh and blood as it was not my stickman-like arms. I look down as I was about to look at my feet as these soft things were blocking them.

"What...? Are these things?" I said as I felt my voice a little feminine. I grabbed both as I squished them. People who were walking looked at me weirdly as others blushed. 

"Soft..." I said as I kept doing it. I then realized that this was a female's part as I start to blush as I went to find to look at my reflection. I went in front of a cafe that has a clear window reflection I looked at myself...



Hey! Thanks for choosing this book, Y/n here is actually bill cipher, and there will be some love interest in this book,

That's all

- Lazy_Insomniac_

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