CHAPTER 9 - I'm a gentleman

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I opened the door which leads to the 1A Classroom

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I opened the door which leads to the 1A Classroom. Oh, I knew that Aizawa was pissed. As I opened the door it looks like the humans inside looked in my direction. Well! It's good to have all the attention! Now I can make an announcement on how I will commit chaos towards the Universe and towards this school.

But then I was interrupted by none other than Aizawa. He glared as to ask why I was late. I just grinned. He ordered the students to dress in P.E uniforms. As Everyone got out to get dressed I was the last one in the classroom. It was silent, very silent. He was about to say something as I interrupted him immediately.


"You're late," He says in a dark tone.

"Well, I'm just right on time when you handed those disgusting P.e Uniforms" 

"They're not disgusting they are clean," He says as he handed me one.

"I mean these look ridiculous, This School has a bad taste in style"

"Go change" He simply says as I followed. I hate following orders of a human but I have lost half of my abilities which makes me less strong than him so I had no choice but to follow. But still, even if I have my abilities I would still follow him I really don't know why though.

I went to the hallway as I heads towards the changing room. And now here we have a problem...

I was standing between the girl's changing room and the boy's changing room. Now, this is very confusing on where would I go to change. I was once male and now I am a female so I really don't know where to go. I think for a second as I don't want to ruin the girl's privacy. Shocking right? A dream demon who commits chaos and wants to rule the Universe thinks about privacy? Well yes, of course, I know I'm a Dream demon but I still need to respect others a little so in fact, I'm a gentleman

Instead of going into the girl's changing room, I went into the opposite. I burst into the boy's bathroom door and grinned.

"Hello, Humans! While changing into these disgusting uniforms why don't you guys think about the deal I'm about to offer" I said as I look around the room with the humans in red faces, I just grinned as I know that they are embarrassed.

"W-What are you doing here!? The girl's changing room is on the other side!" A boy with a black lightning bolt in his hair says.

"I know human! I'm not that dumb!" 

"WHAT'S A GIRL DOING HERE?!" A purple grape said.

"Ahh~ I'm a Dream Demon! Not a girl" I said as I grinned.


"It's obvious that you're a girl!" 

"Eh? So what?" I grinned.

"You can't change here!" A guy with glasses said.

As I was about to grant them a deal I then felt a dark presence behind me. Which I knew who it was. I can feel his eyes glaring down at me.

"What are you doing in the boy's changing room," Aizawa says with a dark and strict tone.

"You told me to get change so?" I said.

'I forgot that Y/n was once a guy' Aizawa thought as he just sighs.

"Never mind just go change in the bathroom, we'll talk about this later." He says as she follows.

While I was leaving the room I can sense that Aizawa was glaring at the boys.

'Is she Aizawa's secret lovechild?' Todoroki thought.

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