CHAPTER 3 - Care

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Aizawa's POV:

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Aizawa's POV:

"Uh... Curse this Human body." The girl said as she fell to the ground with a thud and was now laying there unconscious.

"Am I late?" Midnight said.

"No, you're just in time to put this brat into sleep. She talks too much and she was acting like a crazy villain" I said as I looked at the girl that was carried into the car.

"Poor kid, I think she went insane from living in the streets." She said.

"She was talking about a place called Gravity Falls?" I said.

"Gravity Falls...? That's a weird type of name for a place" Hizashi said.

Y/n's POV:

I slowly opened my eye... I mean 'Eyes' as I was tied up to a metal chair. I looked around and to see that I was in some kind of room and in front of me was a metal table. I felt the cold metal against my skin as I tried to get off the chair.

"STUPID HUMAN BODY! Why won't you get off this Metal Chair!" I complained as I struggle to get off.

While I was struggling to get off the chair I felt some presence on the other side of the mirror which I looked at my own reflection.

"HAHA, I looked uglier in this Body! I've never been a female before!" I cheerfully said. "I know you Humans are hiding behind that Mirror! When I escape this! I'll turn you guys into weird creatures and I play with your bones! And-" I was then cut off by a microphone ringing.

"Shut up, kid. You talk too much" I heard the familiar voice again from earlier.

"Ahh! Toilet paper man! Nice to see you or to hear ya again! Can you help me get off of this thing? Then when I have my powers back! I'll grant ya a deal!" I said as then I heard the door click and to see a woman with long raven hair and the man from earlier who captured me with a hard toilet paper cloth.

"Hello dear! My hero name is Midnight! And this is Eraserhead" She said as she pointed at the man who looks tired of everything including life?

"Midnight...? Eraserhead...? Pfft- HAHAHHAHAH" I laugh as both of them were confused. "You humans have weird names! I like it! Now can you tell me where am I and that where can I find Gravity falls?"

"They are just our hero names," The man said.

"My real name is Nemuri! And this is Aizawa Shota" She cheerfully said and was so nice which confused me.

"Do you really have to say your names to me? Aren't ya scared that I would write your names in the Death Note? which I found and now was on another dimension! Actually! I wish I have stolen that book a long time ago! Damn! If I still have it!? I could've Killed you both! Right here!" I said as I was grinning.

"Okay...? You are really confusing me kid" The man said. "Now what is this place you call Gravity Falls? And you said back there in the streets that you were going to get revenge on the Pines Family?" He said.

"Hah? You guys don't know Gravity Falls? It's like the weirdest place on earth!" I said.

"I am still confused, You said you have never been a female before what does that mean? Have you been hit by some kind of Genderbend quirk?" She asks.

"What in the Hell is this Quirk you guys were saying!? And I didn't get hit by anything! All I remember is that after Stanley erased his memories with me in them as I completely burn I was send here! Laying in the middle of the streets! I really didn't expect me to come back that fast! But when I say that I would come back I meant there! Back on Gravity Falls! And not on this Fleshy human body!" I said in an annoyed tone.

"So are you a male? Or a female?" The man asks.

"I am a Dream demon whose form was an Illuminati," I said.

"So you came from a different world?" She asks.

"Yes! And that I think this is my punishment? For playing with too many humans in the past" I said.

"So... You're a boy? In a girl's body?" She asks.

"Well, you can change my pronouns to She/They," I said as they both nodded.

They ask me some questions which I answered all in a sarcastic way. I was waiting for me to get released in this chair as they did free me but I have handcuffs on.

"You are going to stay with me kid, and you will have some days with Midnight for some... Girl stuff" The man called Aizawa said.


"You are going to stay with me as your guardian and cause you aren't really a girl you will have some time with Midnight that she will teach you some stuff," He said as I was still confused.

"He means that we will like to take shifts of taking Care of you but you will stay with Aizawa," She said.

"Taking care...? Of me?" I ask since no one ever takes care of me and that I do it all by myself.

"Yes! We will be taking care of you!"

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