CHAPTER 2 - Again

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Y/n's POV:

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Y/n's POV:

"AHHHHHH!!!! I'M A GIRL!?" I screamed as I panicked. I looked at the reflection again as I now had a human fleshy girl body. I had h/l, h/c hair as I was wearing a long tattered, and dirty shirt that reached my knees.

"Why in the hell would they send me here looking like a homeless person!?" I said as I then look at my eye that was now been duplicated. The other eye was golden and the other one is an e/c.

"When I said I would return, I didn't mean this! I should be in gravity falls and have revenge on the Pines family!" I said as I look everywhere to know what kind of place I am

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"When I said I would return, I didn't mean this! I should be in gravity falls and have revenge on the Pines family!" I said as I look everywhere to know what kind of place I am. I then felt a cloth wrapped around my body as I looked to where it has come from and to see a guy with black shoulder-lengthed hair.

"Wow! Isn't this just great! I was brought back and to be captured Again!" I said with a grin as I now have a mouth.

"You're just a kid...?" The man said.

"What? A kid...? PFFT- HAHAHA WOW! I've just met you! And you're already judging my age, first even! I should be the one judging by your looks and your age! You're the first one to talk to me and even capture me with some of this hard type of toilet paper! I would have given you a head that screams all the time as a reward, but as you can see I was all tied up! So can you please-" I said as I was cut off as his hard type of toilet paper scarf was tightened around me.

"You talk too much kid," He said as he pulled me close as observes me as I just grinning. "Stop grinning at me like an idiot, kid"

"Wait...? I was grinning? HAHAHA Sorry about that! I didn't use to have a mouth and I didn't even have one! You humans? How, do you even bear with these bodies of yours huh? Controlling you guys like puppets is much easier than possessing your bodies!" I said as I slyly smiled.

"So you used your quirk in public and possessing civilians without any permission? You seem to be too young to be a villain, I will have you come with me to the police station, kid" He said as he drags me in the direction of the police.

"Will ya stop calling me kid? I am like a Billion years older than you! And I am the one who should be the one calling you a kid, Kiddo!" I said grinning as I was struggling to get out of the toilet paper scarf. 

"Stop struggling, You can't escape, and stop lying," He said in a bored tone.

"Is this the future? Cause I remember that toilet papers don't have to be this strong and it supposed to wipe your butts and not to use them for fashion" I said as I was chuckling.

"Shut up, this is a captured weapon and not a toilet paper," He said in an annoyed tone as he adjusts the cloth over to my mouth for me to stop talking.

'I should escape him and also continue my plan to take the universe' I thought as I tried everything and use my abilities and looks like all of them didn't work as I am no longer powerful as I was once was and that I am just a walking piece of flesh. I tried to use flames as blue spark appears around me as the cloth was burned as I was now free. I looked up to the man who was shocked that I burned it.

"HAHAHA Looks like I wasn't a powerless walking piece of flesh after all! And would ya look at that! Your toilet paper scarf doesn't seem to be that strong after all! HAHAHA SO! Let me introduce myself to ya! My name is Y/n Cipher! The one who will take over the universe with weird stuff! Ahhhh... It's good to be back! So which should I do first!? Get a nice suit? Destroy this area with flames? or to kill you because you tried to capture me!?" I said as I laugh with joy. I then saw him talking to the phone with a bored expression.

"Please send back-up immediately," He said in a monotone.

"Ha?- So you didn't run away?" I said as I have a deadpanned expression.

"Look, Kid. I am really tired right now and want to take a quick nap. Midnight will handle you," He said as he stepped away from me as he was checking the time.

"Well! Then... I WILL try to burn some of these people! Umm... Actually! I am going to scramble up their faces LITERALLY!" I said as I was about to use my blue flames, then my ears started ringing and aching in pain for no reason as I see a blonde gravity-defying hair that seemed to be the one doing this. The ringing stopped as I was now on my knees holding both of my ears that were bleeding.

"Ahh... Hehe, I totally felt the pain! And you! Humans aren't supposed to have these types of abilities... This place is Weird! You the blonde one! The one who did this to me! What a great job landing a hit on me! HAHAHA, I should give you a reward! If I would meet you guys a long time ago, I could've kept you guys in a tiny jar and use you to take over the universe! You could be the start of my collection of keeping humans with abilities eh?" I said.

"She's a talkative one!" The blonde mustached man said.

"Just capture her already," The black-haired man said his friend was about to shout but I then covered the sound with flames.

"This is getting really irritating! I should finish you guys off HAHAHA!" I said as I pointed both my hands at them as I was about to blast flames at them but then pink smoke surrounded me as I breathe in it as my head started to felt fuzzy. I then see a woman with bluish-black hair coming in my direction, her figure was blurry as I then see black spots as I fell.

"Uh... Curse this Human body."

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