CHAPTER 4 - Human food?

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Y/n's POV:

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Y/n's POV:

We went to the house of the Toilet paper man as I was still in chains. We were riding in a car as I looked at the window. As there is some kind of tension in the air, and it was an awkward tension.

"You seem quiet?" He said.

"Everything is weird. This body is weird. You're weird. Why do I feel like I need to consume something?" I said as I hear something. "Ya hear that? What's that sound?"

"It's your stomach that's making that sound. You're hungry" He said.


"Yes. You need food to live or else you'll die"

"Damn. Now I know why humans won't survive in my realm for about a year. They need food. One time I keep humans as pets as they all die so fast like hamsters" I said as I chuckled.

"That's brutal. We're close, now shut up for now and I'll cook dinner when we get there" He says as we took a turn.

3rd Person POV:

Both of them finally get to their destination at Aizawa's house. They both went inside as Y/n felt another presence near.

"I feel something is here... It's close," She said as she went to find it.

"Oi, Kid. The bathroom is upstairs, and go take a shower I don't want my house to stink" Aizawa said as he takes off his scarf and ties his hair.

"Well, It's not my fault I was sent back and look like a homeless person! You look more homeless than me!" Y/n said as she felt something rubbing against her legs. She looks down and to see a black-furred creature that was purring. She takes a step back as she hides behind Aizawa.


"Calm down kid, it's just my cat. And stop yelling, you might be worst than Hizashi" Aizawa says as he sighs. "Now go take a shower and I might have some extra clothes to fit you. You wait here" He says as he went to find some of his small clothes for Y/n. 

While Aizawa was busy finding some clothes Y/n just stared at the black cat with a disgusted look on her face. 

'I don't like this thing, this thing reminds me of one of the pines twins, the girl Mabel. Always so cheery' Y/n thought as the black cat went coming toward her direction.

"STAY BACK!" Y/n yells as the cat went over to her while she was panicking and fell down. The cat then rubs their head while purring. Y/n is still panicking as she calms down as the cat lays down on their back as the cat looks at her asking for something.

"What? Don't look at me like that, I don't have any money and I am powerless to make a deal." Y/n said as the cat keep staring into her soul if she even has one.

"Tsk. FINE! I DON'T KNOW WHY YOU LOOK SO AAAH! I don't know the word!?" Y/n says as she touches the cat's belly as she felt her fingers on the cat's soft fur.

"Soft... Fluffy" Y/n mumbles as she was mesmerized. 

"I see that you and Kuro get along well," Aizawa said as he handed Y/n a T-shirt and sweatpants.

"Kuro? Who's that" 

"My cat that you keep petting"


"Now go take a shower," Aizawa says as he went to the kitchen.

Y/n went to the bathroom as looks in the mirror to see her reflection and to see that she was now human and that she is a female. Which makes her nervous about taking a shower.

After the traumatizing shower, she tries to put on the T-shirt many times but just to get the wrong side as she was new to these types of things.

She went downstairs as she smells something good which made her drool a little.

"Oh, you're here. You look terrified...?" Aizawa says while placing the food on the table.

"Shut up Human. I'm not used to showers" Y/n says as she went over to the table.

"I can see that, your hair is still wet"

"So all I do is to consume Human food?" Y/n asks as she looked at her plate of omelet.

"Yes. Now Eat. I want to take a nap" Aizawa says as he sighed.

Y/n take a spoon of the food as she took a bite

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Y/n take a spoon of the food as she took a bite. Flavors then explode from her mouth as she kept chomping for more.

"Why!? Human Food tastes so... Weird and good?" She says as Aizawa just sighs.

"Just after you're done go to bed or you can stay up late. I don't really care."

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