CHAPTER 6 - Sparkling Human

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Y/n's POV:

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Y/n's POV:

"Oi. Kid. Wake up, Today's the day you're going to take the entrance exam." I heard the Human said as he takes the blankets off of my flesh which I felt the cold air hitting my skin.

"Shut up, Human. Let me sleep some more before I burn you into ashes." I said as I was trying to find the blanket but everything is dark.

"What the!? Everything is pitch black!? Am I in some kind of void!?? I CAN'T SEE ANYTHING!" I said as I fell on the hardwood.

"I can't believe you're this dumb," Aizawa said with a sigh.

"You're here with me in the void?" I ask.

"No. Open your eyes" 

"Oh." I did what he said and open my eye, I mean 'Eyes' with the 's' Since they have been duplicated. The first thing I saw is Aizawa standing with an annoyed look.

"Sorry, toilet paper man. I forgot I have them" I said as I stood up from my place, took the blanket from his hands, and went back to bed.

"Y/n get up. We don't have time for this. Get up or I'll let you live with Hizashi for a week" He says.

"Who the heck is Hizashi?" 

"The loud blonde" He simply says.

"Which one?"


"Is it the Buff Rabbit or The Banana Hair?"

"It's the Banana hair," He says as I got up from my bed immediately as I rubbed my eyes and yawned.

"Aight I'm up. I can't really tolerate that human." I said as I went downstairs as I heard him muttered 'Same'

A few minutes later after consuming some human food I went to go take a bath and get change. I got on my Hoodie cause Aizawa said I can't wear a suit on an entrance exam. I got in the car which as we went to U.A

"Why can't I wear a suit? A suit is much better and so that I could make a good first impression on Humans! And that I can look good while making a deal" I said as I muttered the last part.

"It's about passing the exam and not making deals on random people," He says as we arrived at the back of the U.A

I went into the building and sit beside a human with blonde hair and Indigo eyes. And he seemed to be twinkling?

"HI! My name is Aoyama Yuga, Mon Amour. And I can't help but wonder why are you staring at me? Is it that I look gorgeous?" He said as he has some kind of V-shaped smile?

"Hello there! strange Sparkling Human! You look amazing I guess? Even with all the flesh and bones. But I would like to grant you a deal!" I ask with a grin.

"Hmm? A deal?"

"Yes!-" I said as I was about to continue my Phone rings as I picked it up and to see it's the one and only Toilet paper man.

"Hello? Why are you calling? Look I didn't steal some Vodka" I said through the phone.

"Stop making deals to some future students or- Wait- What?- You stole some Vodka??" 

"Aight I'll stop. Bye." I said as I hang up.

"Sorry, kiddo but let's continue the deal next time," I said.

"Okay? But may I ask what is your Quirk and your name, Mi Amor?" He asks.

"I can summon things! Like a head that screams all the time!" I said as I summoned the head and it keeps screaming and most of the humans looked in my direction.

"AHHH AHHHH AHHHH AHHHH" The head kept screaming never-ending.

"Oi! You there! Please refrain from using your quirk and make that thing stop screaming!" I heard someone said and to see it is a human with dark blue hair with glasses.

"How dare you say that! Jeff is not a 'thing'! He is a head that screams forever!" I said as I make jeff burn into ashes as Jeff screams in pain as it can be heard for miles away.

"Tsk. It's you're fault, you killed jeff. Poor jeff just wanted to scream. Dear Humans! Can't you see that jeff just wanted to be free and just scream for the rest of his life! Then this blind human that wears transparent shades tells me to stop jeff from screaming. JUSTICE FOR JEFF THE HEAD! And after this let me all offer you all a deal!" I said with a grin as I was about to say more Aoyoma pulled me down to sit.

"S-Sorry about her!" He said as the humans looked away.

"Hm? What do you mean by that Sparkling Human? I'm just telling the truth and don't worry! Jeff is not dead, he is just in my storage."

"You got a weird quirk, My quirk is called Navel Laser, I can fire sparkly laser," He says.

"That's interesting, My name is Y/n Cipher By the way! Or is it Cipher Y/n? Cause we are in japan and you guys say your surnames first." I said.

"So you aren't from here? But you speak Japanese so fluently?" He asks.

"I can speak many languages! All of them! I am actually Bilingual!" I said as I see that the light turned off and I can see that it has already started.

A few minutes of talk from the loud blonde as they gave us for the grounds and it seems like me and the Sparkling Human aren't together which disappoints me. That human seems tolerable.

I went to the bus as we went over to the grounds for the entrance exam. There were large gates which will lead us to the exam I guess?

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