Chapter 1

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So this is my new story.  But I'm still writing this story. So, I don't know how often. But I have a good piece finished. And I really like it. So, we'll see. The last part was the prologue, that kinda filled in on what's going on. So, there you go. Enjoy your read.

-Kennedy xo


"Jesse. A word please." the docror said. Mom was asleep in the hospital bed. I followed him out of the room and he stopped outside. "We got the test results back. And I'm afriad they aren't that good." he said quietly, like it pained him to say it.

"What's wrong with my mother?" I ased out right, while tears swelled in my eyes. I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the worst.

"Your mother is diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. And there isn't anything we can do. It's out of our hands now, only time will tell. I am so sorry." he said. I shook my head and closed my eyes. "I am sorry Jesse." he said.

"Thank you for letting me know. But about how much longer does she have? Honestly?" I said.

"There isn't a way to tell. It could be days. It couldby weeks. But then again it could be hours. I am so sorry. Buzz for a nurse if you need anything. I'll check in again in a little bit." he said and patted my back, then walked away.

I let tears roll down my cheeks as I went back in my mother's hospital room. She had woken up. and she alrady knew. "I am so sorry Jesse." she said.

"You can't control it mom." I whispered.

"You're going to live with your father. He's actually in LA right now, and he's picking you up tomorrow night from the house baby." She said.

"I don't want to go to my father." I said.

"Baby. It's either your father or going into foster care. Your dad agreed to care for you. Baby, I love you. Now I want you to go pack your things and say all your goodbyes. I can feel I'm so close to my end. And I don't want to be put on life support." she said. "Take anything from the house that you want. Your birth certificate. Your brothers. Picture albums. Any thing you want. I love you so much baby. So so so much." She pulled me down and kissed my forehead.

"I love you mom." I said. Tears flooded my vision.

"I love you too. Your father's name is Simon Cowell. He'll be there tomorrow.. I love you." she said.

The BEEPing of the heart monitor sped up drastically until it flat-lined.


I walked home that night. I didn't want to ride. Wesley called and said that he'd meet me at my house. And in turn I'd tell him what was going on.

I got home just before he rode onto my driveway. He's so used to my house that he just came right in. "Jesse? What's going on?" he asked, setting his skateboard by the door and wrapping his long arms around me when he saw my tears.

He didn't push when I was crying. He let me get it all out before calmly asking me again, "Jesse baby. What's wrong baby girl?" I took a deep breath and started explaining.

"I didn't come over today because mom had to go to the hospital because she wasn;t getting any better. She went to the hspital and I Followed after I changed. I got to the hospital and they she was asleep in the room. I waited for her to wake up but the doctor pulled me out of the room. Mom was diagnosed with Stage four lung cancer and there wasn't anything that they could do. She woke up while I was talking to the doctor and when I went back in the room she told me that I was going to live with my dad, Simon Cowell, and that he'd pick me up tomorrow night. Then she-she."

"Shh, baby. You don't have to say it. I'm so sorry." he said patting my back as I cried into his shoulder.

"I miss her already." I whispered what seemed like ages later after all my tears were dried out. I was cold, and tired, and I needed to pack, but I didn't want to. But I had to and I hated that.

"Dry your eyes. I'll call mom and tell her to drop me off some clothes and I'll stay with you tonight. She'll understand. You can pack tomorrow. Go get ready for bed." he said patting my shoulder and standing up. He pulled me with him.

I went upstairs and into myroom. I swear he acts more like my brother, rather than my bestfriend.  But I have no idea how it's going to work out when I'm across the world.

I changed into my pajamas and I went back downstairs. Wesley's mom was sitting in the living room. The second she saw me she stood up and hugged me tightly. "I am so sorry for you baby girl. I'm always here if you need me? I heard your dad is taking you." she said.

"Thank you. Um, yeah, he's supposed to be her tomorrow night." I said.

"What's his name darling? Where are you moving to?"

"Apparently Simon Cowell is my dad. And I imagine we'll move to London. That's what mom told me. I don't know what I'm going to do." I said.

"What about you and Wes? I know you aren't dating but..." she said. All I could do was shrug. Because I honestly didn't know. We'd just have to see what the future holds. I hope it won't mess us up too much.

Wesley came in the room a few minutes later wearing his pajamas and leaned against the door frame. "Come see us before you leave okay baby?" his mom said.

"Yes ma'am. I will. Thank you again for everything." I said.

She kissed my forehead and kissed Wesley's forehead and whispered something in his ear that didn't quite catch. But he chuckled and rolled his eyes. His mom left and all was quite. Until my phone scared me half to death because it hasn't rung all day. Wesley laughed and I answered my phone.

"Hello?" I said slowly since I didn't know the number.

"Jesse? This is Simon Cowell your dad." he said.

"Oh. Hi. How can I help you? I thought you weren't supposed to be here until tomorrow night." I said.

"I'm still coming tomorrow baby girl. Don't worry. I just wanted to tell you to be ready to go back to LA at eight tomorrow night from your house." he said.

"Oh thank god. Okay. Thanks so much." I said.

A few more words were exchanged then we both hung bup and Wesley picked me up. I let a a breath that sounded a lot like laughter but I couldn't laugh if I wanted to. He carried me to the couch and laid down with me. "Dad will be here tomorrow at eight. Then we'll go back to LA for a few weeks, then we'll go to London." I said.

Wesley simply nodded. "And what about us? I mean, I don't know?" I asked.

"I do not want to talk about that because I am not about to loose the best thing that has ever happened to me." he said.

"Best thing that has ever happened to you? Really?" I asked looking up at him.

"Yep. Other than the band. But that's another thing. You know I love you." he said.


Eight the next night came too quickly. And I had barely finsihed packing since I went and said goodbye to Wes' mom that morning. Wes, Keaton, and Drew were with me at my house. My bags were loaded in the car and I was hugging the three boys goodbye.

"Here. Keep it." Wesley handed my something.

"Your necklace. Really Wesley?" I asked looking up at him. He nodded and tied it at the back of my neck.

"It's got us on it too." Drew said pointing to the other two beads that were on it.

"And trade me." Wesley said taking my hat off and putting his on my head.

"Your HI snapback?" I asked shocked. He never let anyone else wear it. And he was giving it to me. He nodded and had tears in his eyes. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck and tears swelled in my eyes as well. " I love you so much. I'll visit soo, Okay?" I said.

"Okay. I love you too." he said. I wiped his tears and he wiped mine before I hugged Keaton and Drew again before climbing into Daddy's Roles Royce.

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