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Walking through the crowd bumping each others shoulders while mumbling 'sorry' without looking at the person he bumping on in heavy rain pouring on them

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Walking through the crowd bumping each others shoulders while mumbling 'sorry' without looking at the person he bumping on in heavy rain pouring on them. Holding a yellow umbrella in his hands tighten the grip.

He actually run away from his home- no house to be honest. He tired hearing his parents bickering every-day nonstop and not only that, they even using sharp stuff.

He doesn't have place to stay.

Keep walking in the crowd without looking up but someone who in hurry accidentally bump into him until he fall on the ground hard which make his trousers drenched as the people bump into him keep run.

He sigh and trying to pull his yellow umbrella that already fall far away from him but the umbrella was take by another boy and the boy give it to him. He look up.

A gorgeous boy.

He doesn't blink his eyes as he saw a very pretty boy that holding his umbrella and give him a hand to help him stand up front the dirty ground.

He grab the pretty boy hand in his large yet rough hand and stand up properly.

Two words. It was soft and small.

The pretty boy smile and give him his umbrella which he take it, eyes still not blinking look at the pretty boy directly eyes causing the pretty boy blush.

" Why are you looking at me like that? " The pretty boy shyly ask which caught his guard and snap from staring the pretty boy.

" It just- you're so pretty " He said shameless smiling to him.

The pretty boy cheeks turn crimson red after hearing the compliment from the stranger mouth as he tried to hide it by covering his red face now using his small palms.

" Don't hide your pretty face " He said pulling off the pretty boy hands off from covering his face.

He bit his inner cheeks and look up the man with his doe eyes completely ignoring people walking past them. The man is buff and taller than him, not forgot his face is so handsome sharp eyes, nose and jaw.

He heard chuckle causing him snap from staring at the guy. His cheeks was crimson red embarrassed by getting caught staring at the handsome man.

" Where did you live, Mr... " The pretty boy question shyly.

" Taehyung. Kim Taehyung, that my name " He said pattting the smaller boy in the head, with smile but fade when he continue " I ran away from my house " He said giving the pretty boy sad smile.

" It's okay! You can live in my house because I was alone! " He said cheerful pulling the man large hand in his small one before Taehyung could protest.

Sure he know how dangerous he bring a stranger to his house but what can we do. He is so naive and too generous, he can't see people in trouble and he must help them.

They walk together and of course sharing Taehyung's yellow umbrella. The small boy jumping in excited because finally he got a roommate to live together is his house.

When they reach to his house, the pretty boy swung the door open. It not so big either small but comfortable to live in for two or three people, the decorated is too cute. So many bunny stuff and the wall paint with baby blue colour.

" Your house is cute " Taehyung said smiling looking around.

" Is it? " He look at the taller man with his pretty eyes and showing his bunny smile.


Taehyung's heart beating when he look down at the pretty boy bunny smile. He gulp the saliva which his adam apple showing his throat when he look at the thin yet plump lips.

He want to kiss him.

" Taehyungie? " He heard a low voice infront of him as he Shook his head from thinking further.

" Yes baby? I mean yes? " He ask again scratching his nape feeling nervous around the pretty boy.

" I said it is pretty? "

" Yes it's is pretty... So much " Taehyung said eyeing the smaller boy pretty feature.

" Thank you! By the way, my name is Jeon Jungkook " He introduce himself and extended his hand to shake to the other which Taehyung take.

Jungkook show the taller man his room and give him a bit tour in his house. It already in the midnight and they got to sleep in his room, hugging his bunny plushie with his pink bunny pyjamas.

Jungkook's door room suddenly creak open as the dark figure entering his room. He come closer to Jungkook and sniff his neck like sniffing some drug, the man lick his neck causing Jungkook stiff in his sleep.

" Nggh... " Jungkook squirm, hugging his bunny plushie harder and turn his back to the other side, causing his top back showing his milky skin.

The man gulp seeing the pretty smooth skin and slowly his hands rubbing the small boy's tiny waist with his warm palm which Jungkook whimper in his sleep again.

" So smooth... " He whisper to himself.

He change his gaze to the smaller boy neck and lean in to suck, making some hickeys. After a few minutes, he stop sucking the pretty boy milky skin collarbone.

" See you tomorrow baby... " He kiss Jungkook's forehead and got out from the room.

It just starting, the dangerous can come anytime and anywhere. It could harm Jungkook too but what can we do? Let's just enjoy this drama.

Smooth like Butter, like a criminal under cover~


To Be Continue

921 words

I'm sorry for not update for so long bcs I've been so busy and now my mom ask me to babysitter a brat kids, I already had work to do and now I have to take care kids?

It so annoying and they keep taking my phone, playing games and give me back when my phone battery 1%.


Can I kill them?

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