𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨

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Trigger Warning : Sexual Harassment

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Trigger Warning : Sexual Harassment


Jungkook was still trauma after the stairs incident, Yoongi's blood painting the floor and it happened so fast. After he told Jungkook to give warning and stay away from Taehyung.

There a bit odd but Jungkook shrug off and all he care about his favourite brother that was in the hospital. He want to go in but the doctors won't let them in and ask them to go home first.

Right now, he was sitting at the corner bed as his arm wrap around his knees. He heard that the door slowly open and it was Taehyung, he immediately hug him tightly.

He don't realize that the other emotionless face now turn to wide smile, not smile actually but creepy smile. He pat Jungkook's back softly and sniff the bunny boy strawberry scent while closing his eyes to enjoy the fragrant smell.

Slowly, he keep sniffing Jungkook's hairs then to neck which Jungkook slightly felt uncomfortable and try to broke the hug but fail because Taehyung is more stronger than his fragile body.

" TaeTae? " Jungkook whisper and Taehyung finally back to the reality and stop from sniffing Jungkook's milky and dark purple skin.

Jungkook still had the hickies, but it just he's innocent baby that not understand what the meaning of sexual stuff.

They broke the hug and they look at each other eyes. The younger felt pairs of hands wrapping around his tiny waist ang of course the owner is Taehyung's. At the moment, Jungkook couldn't help but blush.

But the pretty boy still don't get the expression of Taehyung's, because there's something off with him and he couldn't tell it what it is.

Jungkook pull of Taehyung's hands off from his waist and sat at the edge of bed as he fiddling his fingers. His eyes still teary and that make Taehyung's heart hurt seeing the younger crying.

He couldn't bare looking the bunny boy in front of him crying. He need to do something.

' I know I should have kill Yoongi for making my baby crying '

He thought to himself as eyes look here and there with creepy smile that was making Jungkook a bit weird of the older action.

" H-hyung-ie? " Jungkook whisper seeing the older deep thought and standing eight in front of him.

Taehyung snap out from the thought and look at the bunny boy with his sharp eyes while humming after Jungkook calling his nickname.

" I can't sleep " Jungkook said as he pull the blanket before lay and cover himself.

Again Taehyung gave him a creepy smile and Jungkook being clueless himself just thought that that is the way he smile.

" Wait here " He said and got out from the room.

Few minutes, he's back with a glass of water and pills? He gave Jungkook the glass and the pill on the smaller boys tiny palm. Jungkook look at him with confused to the older.

" It sleep pill, so that you can sleep without nightmare " Taehyung explain and Jungkook just being a baby himself nodding before gulping the pill along with water.

Not so long after that, Jungkook start to feel sleepy and fall in deep sleep. Taehyung bid in front of Jungkook's eyes and smirk as Jungkook really already fall asleep.

He start to undress himself and the next is Jungkook. He would stare at the bunny boy smooth skin from the top to the bottom and he look back at Jungkook's gorgeous face to see his bangs covering his eyes.

He tuck the younger hair behind his ears before start to rubbing the younger naked body with his large hands and chuckle with deep voice, eyes still glued to the younger naked body.

He climb on top of Jungkook's body and grab his own shaft to the youngest lips. Slowly he enter the tip into the bunny boy mouth, bucking his hips as deep growl left his mouth feeling the warm wet cavern around his dick.

Keep thrusting his hip back and forth until he came deep into the bunny boy throat. He pull out from Jungkook's mouth and cum on the younger face. He start to evil laugh seeing Jungkook's swollen lips and had a bit cum on it.

Taehyung grab his phone to unlock the screen before to to the camera and take some pictures of the younger naked body and gorgeous face that had cum all over his face and some on his hairs.

He adore the pictures he take with creepy smile. He throw his phone on the bed beside Jungkook's head and wore a towel before going out to his room to grab something.

He come again with small cameras and hide it to some spot that no one could see it, he hide three cameras in Jungkook's bathroom. After he done hiding the cameras, he grab his phone to connecting his phone to the cameras.

So that he could see the younger twenty four seven everyday and ten minutes later, he decide to take shower as he felt sweaty after giving Jungkook a blowjob leaving the naked bunny that has cum on his face in his room.

When he done showering, he go back to the younger room to look if Jungkook has woke up or not and the answer is no because Jungkook still in the same position that after he left to shower.

" I'm gonna miss your wrecked face baby "

Taehyung pout sighing taking the tissues before wipe his half dried cum on the bunny boy face and throw it in his own room trash bin because he don't want leave any suspicious prove.

Help him to wore his clothes that he wore before and covering the younger with fluffy duvet and kiss more like sucking Jungkook's plump lip then left the room.

Closing the door gently, look up the ceiling and smile innocently before said :

" Your time has end Min Yoongi "

With that he left the house with all black outfit covering his whole body and face.


To Be Continue

1009 words

Pfftttt, I'm so done.

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