𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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Jungkook woke up from his sleep and groan with his cute voice when he felt his throat and mouth sore. He sat at the corner bed while holding his neck in confusion as eyes looking here and there.

There something salt substance in his throat and few in his mouth. He cringe and go to the bathroom to take shower and when he's done, he goes to downstairs only to see Taehyung playing with his phone.

But he don't know what was in his phone. Watching him shower naked and mentally smirking. As Taehyung heard faint footsteps he turn off his phone and look at the younger with a messy hair.

Look just getting wrecked.

Jungkook sat opposite the older and grab a glass and jug that has blueberry flavour. Drank all of it because feel the burning in his throat, the bunny boy Taehyung raising his left eyesbrow to him.

" My throat hurt " Jungkook said with hoarse yet soft voice.

Taehyung who heard that look at the younger with blank face but smile appear his lips knowing the reason behind Jungkook throat burning. Jungkook look at the older in confuse and pout seeing him smiling.

" Hyung~ why did you smile? I'm hurting " The pretty boy whine and pouting his plump lips out.

" Come here " Taehyung ignoring the younger questions and stretch out his hand calling for Jungkook to come closer to him.

As soon as Jungkook stand in front of the older with his cutest pout and fiddling his fingers feeling a bit shy and nervous at the so dominant man that was looking at him with man spread leg.

Jungkook yelp when the older pull him by his tiny waist and making him sat onto his lap that was almost touch Taehyung's cloth crotch. A crimson red spread his cheeks when he sat on the older lap.

" H-hyung... What are you doing? " Jungkook whisper and blushing more deeper when he felt Taehyung sniffing his nape.

Taehyung only shushing him and caressing his both bicep up and down while sniffing the younger nape like a addicted guy who sniffing some drug. Jungkook felt a bit uncomfortable as he felt somting poking his butt.

The bunny boy adjust himself on the older lap by moving his butt up and down- more like grinding but how innocent he's doesn't understand the meaning. Taehyung groan in Jungkook's ear sending him goose bump.

" H-hyung... Something poking my bumbum " Jungkook whisper with head down as his small hands sinking his nail in Taehyung's lap, not so strong.

" Don't move baby " Taehyung growl wrapping his large arms around the tiny waist of Jungkook.

Jungkook felt a butterfly flying in his stomach making him giddy and giggle when he felt Taehyung lick his nape and bit his earlobe. As Taehyung about to suck Jungkook's soft milky white skin, there a knock on the main door.

Taehyung unwrapping his arm from Jungkook's waist and pat the younger bubbly ass to get up which he did and walk toward the main door. Twisting the door knob and swing open only to see two figure.

Jimin and Jin.

They blood drain off from their face looking so pale when Taehyung come out behind the younger while wrapping his arm around the younger tiny waist again with same blank face, just like last night event.

Pulling Jungkook's small body against his broad chest and bend down a bit to place his chin on the younger hairs because of the bunny boy is shorter than him.

Jungkook face getting red when Taehyung back hugging him in front of his friends. Jungkook tried to unwrapped the older arm but fail when Taehyung hiss signing him to stop trying to unwrap his arm.

Jungkook welcome them to get inside his cute bunny house and they awkwardly walk to the couch while Jungkook trying hard to walk with Taehyung clinging his back holding him tight.

" TaeTae, go sit with them. I will make water for them " Jungkook said and Taehyung hum in return then unwrapped his arm off.

The younger make his way to the kitchen and start to make some drinks for them meanwhile Taehyung, staring at them with blank eyes as lips curve a smirk when he remember the last night incident after he fuck Koo's mouth.

They felt goose bump when they saw a smirk appear Taehyung's lips and dark chuckle escape from his mouth. Jin and Jimin intertwined their hands together feeling the coldness each other hands.

Taehyung chuckle went down when Jungkook come with a tray that has tea jug and four cup, place it on the table. He was about to sat next to Jimin's side but stop when Taehyung call for his nickname.

" Bun " Taehyung demand with his deep voice and pat his lap.

Jungkook being obedient himself, follow the older demanding and slowly sat on the other lap. Jin's and Jimin's eyes went wide as they saw how obedient their baby bun follow his order.

" What's wrong hyung-ie? " Jungkook gently ask with worried about the they coming to his house with pale face.

They a bit hesitate and trying hard to ignore the death glare that was coming from behind Jungkook's small body and clear their throat before speake up.

" Ggukie, can we talk privately? " Jin manage to said even almost come out whisper and stutter.

Jungkook knew that when they said like that means it a serious talk. He ask Taehyung for permission which he gave and they went to Jungkook's room to discuss. What they didn't knew is that Taehyung can watch them with his phone.

" Ggukie, please stay away from Taehyung. He's dangerous! " Jimin whisper yell trying to give warning to their innocent baby.

" What do you mean he's dangerous? " Jungkook frown look at the elders with his cute confused face.

They went silent and look at each other eyes before nod.

" Last night, we saw him go to hospital holding k- " Their sentence was cut by knocking at Jungkook's outside door meaning it was Taehyung.

Jungkook excuse himself before open the door for Taehyung and close the door as he go outside room to face the taller guy.

" There a postman send your parcel downstairs " Taehyung said deepening his voice while caressing Jungkook's soft hair.

Jungkook completely forgot that his elders was in his room and immediately jumping out to downstairs so excited for his new parcel that his new make up and dress.

Meanwhile with Jin and Jimin.

" How do we tell him that Taehyung about to kill Yoongi hyung?! " Jimin whisper yell again slightly afraid of Yoongi safety and theirs.

Without they know, someone already standing behind them and they felt like someone watching them from behind and there a big shadow from their back.

" Any problem me killing him? "


To Be Continue

1141 words

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