𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞

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Trigger Warning : Rape

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Trigger Warning : Rape


Loud noises from the cafeteria school as Taehyung slightly annoyed by the look if Jungkook's crush who keep steal glance towards his baby boy. That Haneul guy wink towards Jungkook who blush already.

That's it.

" I will kill him " Taehyung said to himself clenched his fist under table trying hard to control his devil inside.

Jin and Jimin saw how Taehyung's piss off face while looking at Haneul with so much hatred. They gulp down their saliva when they saw Taehyung's eyes catch them staring at him with fear.

He smirk to them before looking at Haneul planning to kill him. Jungkook didn't even notice how Taehyung keep watching over him because he's too busy staring at his crush, adore him.

Namjoon and Hoseok felt a bit awkward because of Jin ans Jimin silent, usually they're the one who make the group become chaotic until got few warning from the other students and teacher.

But today is different.

They were so quite and Namjoon do notice how Jin and Jimin intertwined their hands together. Maybe because Yoongi got into hospital few days ago, that why they a bit quite today.

Soon, the school bell ringing signing that the lunch break finally off and they get up to go their own class. As always, Taehyung will follow Jungkook behind to see if someone try to take his baby away from him.

Which it did.


He clenched his jaw seeing Haneul walking towards a strawberry cheeks figure. He came closer to Jungkook and wrap his arm around Jungkook's tiny waist making the other crush smile drop.

" Tae, what are you doing? " Jungkook whisper as he tried to unwrapped his arm around waist.

Haneul continue walk toward the bunny boy and give him a cute smile which make Jungkook's cheeks went crimson red color. He yelp when he felt the wrap around his waist getting tighter and he look up tge older to see Taehyung looking other side.

" Jungkook, can we talk? " Haneul question as eyes looking at Taehyung weirdly.

" Privately " He continue and that make Taehyung grip tighten than before making Jungkook wince in pain.

" Tae... You're hurting me " Jungkook whimper which Taehyung looking at them, giving them blank face before push Jungkook off and went away from there without saying anything.

' Is TaeTae mad? '

Jungkook thought sadly but was disturb when Haneul speak snapping him out from his thought.

" C-can we go on date tonight? I-i mean, I like you s- " Haneul stutter but was cut off when Jungkook reply with almost high pitch tone.

" Yes! "

Oh wow, that was so fast and too obvious that Jungkook like his crush.

What they didn't know is there someone who hide behind the wall hearing their conversation with rage filling his mind thinking how to kill Haneul after Yoongi.

Taehyung clenched his fist and walk away from there not before glancing at his baby who looking so happy bouncing on his small feet as he keep walking with his crush beside him.

" Tonight is your death wish " He smirk and keep walking out from school to go buy some new stuff to torture his new victims.


" Baby, drink this " Taehyung give orange juice to the bunny boy who nod innocently and grab the juice in his small palm.

" Thank you hyung-ie " The gorgeous boy thank the older as he getting ready to go on he's and Haneul's date tonight.

He drank all of it without leaving any drop without knowing what Taehyung had put in his drink. Slowly, Jungkook's eyes getting heavier and his hand drop the glass making it broke into pieces.

Before he could fall on the dirty floor, Taehyung had catch him and bring him in bridal style to the bunny's bedroom with dirty thought in his mind and also tonight is supposed Jungkook's and Haneul's date.

" You so naive baby " Taehyung raps placing the bunny boy on the mattress and caressing his soft chubby cheeks with so much adore.

" And it good for me because you're mine " He continue and get up from the bed to strip off the unconscious boy clothes.

The smooth skin under the moonlight giving lust vibe and that make Taehyung lost control and attack the unconscious boy's milky skin, sucking and lick every inch of his body.

He stop licking and look at the boy pink hairless butthole, staring at it with psychotic smile. He strip himself and aligned his length to the bunny boy butthole before forcing it in.

Jungkook was so tight and a virgin.

" Mine only! " He growl before thrusting his whole length into the poor boy hole without noticing that he's bleeding down there.

Jungkook's body stiff a bit but Taehyung couldn't careless and continue do his business towards the unconscious boy.


Taehyung zip up his pants when he's done raping his baby boy. He lower his gaze seeing blood mix cum pouring out from Jungkook's hole and smirk in satisfied with the art he just made.

He went into the bathroom to take wet towel and wipe his baby boy swollen hole, making Jungkook wear his clothes and he looking so adorable in Taehyung's big hoodie.

" I'm glad that I take your first and you're my first too baby " He whisper kissing Jungkook's forehead and sniff his neck before lick his cheeks.

But right now, he don't want to think about that.

He going to kill Haneul tonight.

No matter what.

He grab Jungkook's phone and text him to change the location. The psychotic smile curve against his lips and with that he left the house along with black color backpack that has few sharp stuff.

Deleting all the conversation him and Haneul after he text to change the location for not wanting his baby suspect him later on.

How cunning.

" Get ready Haneul, flirting with my baby right? " He smirk before placing a cap above his head and walk away from there to the location he had send to Haneul.


To Be Continue

1007 words

I do not support rape but this is fiction and if u just want to leave hate comments then go away bcs I'm deleting ur comments.

This is just short fic and only few more chap to end.

And I'm in rush hoho (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡

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