𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞

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The next morning, Jungkook frown seeing the purple bruised against his milky skin collarbone and neck, he touch it and hiss feeling the pain. He scratch his head in confuse.

" Since when I got this? " He mumble and walk into the bathroom to take shower then get ready for the collage.

He bounce on his small feet and went downstairs to make breakfast for him and Taehyung. Jungkook sway his hips as he walk to reach some ingredients and without notice someone had watching him.

Taehyung gulp seeing the bunny boy hips sway here and there to make breakfast as he sat on the seat slowly which his eyes still glued on the pretty boy sexy thighs.

" Oh my bunnies! Taehyung, you scared me " Jungkook scream palming his small hand to his chest.

Taehyung deeply chuckle and mumble 'sorry' to him. The bunny boy nod and continue cooking for them.

As he done cooking, he place the other's plate in front of him. Taehyung drooling over the food and thanking the smaller guy.

" Where did you studied " Taehyung broke the silence as Jungkook tilted his head cutely to the other which Taehyung trying hard not to cooe him.

" Hanguk Collage, why? " He ask taking another bit of pancake into his small mouth.

" Didn't knew we have same collage, why I never saw you anyway? " Taehyung questions.

" Dunno " Jungkook shrug off his shoulder but then some flash cross his mind. " I know you, people said you weird but I don't think so. I like you " The bunny boy said give the other his bunny smile.


Taehyung heart beat seeing the cute bunny smile and ' I like you ' part. He gulp down his saliva as eyes watching the bunny boy plump lip.

I like you

The three words echoed in his head again and again without realize a small smirk curve on his lips but snap when the pretty boy touch his arm.

' His small hand is so smooth '

He gave the boy smile before continue to eat, same as Jungkook. One hour past and they go to the collage together with Jungkook holding his large hands, jumping on his feet dragging the flushed boy behind.

" Hyung! " Jungkook shout calling his friends as his hand still holding the handsome man.

" Meet Taehyungie and TaeTae meet my hyungs " They introduce themselves. ( They are BTS and I don't think so I need to introduce them right?)

They went to cafeteria because they still had two hours before class start and they keep changing but Taehyung's eyes still on the bunny boy ethereal beauty while he laugh.

Jungkook laugh was stop when he saw his crush walk past them. The bunny boy really adore his crush because he help him from almost getting raped by a group of drunk mens at midnight.

The bambi eyes never leave his crush figure but melt when his crush saw him and wink to him which he squeal and hold Jin's thigh hard almost make the older thigh bruise without his realize.

" Yah, you brat. My thigh hurting! " Jin suddenly scream causing Jungkook snap from his world.

" Sorry hyung... " He pout which they can't even say no to that cute pout face and forgive him immediately and give him, his banana milkshake.

" I know you like that Haneul guy but aware surround you will ya? " Jimin said.

" I told already I'm sorry " Jungkook slap his hand against Jin's thigh again making the older scream.

" Why did you hit me?! " Jin scoff rubbing his palm to his thigh that was hurting for the second times as the others laugh at them but not one person.

Taehyung, he doesn't like when Jungkook like other people. Not other than him, he clenched his fist under the table scanning Jungkook's crush face and smirk later on.

Yoongi notice the face of Taehyung and start to suspect him. He knew Taehyung had collage with them but he didn't like him. Why? Secret.

" Oh My God! Jungkook since when did you have hickeys?! No my baby is not innocent anymore! " Hoseok fake crying after his eyes look at the boy neck.

Jungkook blush and denied as his hands slapping Jin's thigh again which Jin scream for the third time. Yoongi and Taehyung is the only silence in their group.

Yoongi was reading Taehyung face change whenever their friends had mention Jungkook's crush name. He saw the other clenched his jaw.

" Jungkook, we need to talk " Yoongi said seriously and get up to rooftop.

They start to confuse but Jungkook obeyed his hyung and went with him.

" What happened hyung? "

" I don't like Taehyung. He weird and have a bad vibe for you. I suggest you do not so close with him " Yoongi strictly said and went out there.

Jungkook can't even talk Yoongi already went away from them but Jungkook snap when he heard Yoongi's screaming and noise sound from the stairs and he run to open it only to see Yoongi fall from the stairs, bleeding.

Jimin who followed them saw Yoongi fall and tap Yoongi's face to wake him up but no response as Jungkook cry seeing his favorite brother fall from the stairs and they immediately go out to call ambulance.

Other students whispering each other and some gossiping but Jungkook couldn't careless and follow them to the hospital after got permission from their teacher.


To Be Continue

898 words

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