𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

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Trigger Warning : Violence

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Trigger Warning : Violence


Middle night

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Middle night.

He held the knife walking through the empty and silence hospital hallway making the knife sound and wall rubbing each other echoed the hallway. The doctors and nurse was so busy with other patients and don't have time to look at him or notice him.

" 348 " Counting every rooms number to find ' his ' room.

" 349 "

" 350, gotcha " He smirk with dark chuckle and twist the knob to open the door.

He saw a man laying unconscious with oxygen mask and there iv medical water attached to his left hand. Slowly walking towards the unconscious man with blunt knife because he want to enjoy his victim to suffer.

" This is for making my baby cry "He whisper with creep smile and caressing the iv wire that was attached to Yoongi's hands.

Taehyung cut the iv wire off from Yoongi's hand and watch him moving in his sleep from behind the door. He want to torture him silent and slow, to him it was so satisfied to see people suffer and hurt.

Few minutes past, watching Yoongi moving here and there but still unconscious. He walk again towards him and pull the oxygen mask off from his nose and mouth making the other lacking of the oxygen.

He again took a chair that was beside the patient bed and sat on it while watching Yoongi struggling because he's was lacking the oxygen and face went pale. He laugh devilish and clenching the knife.

Slicing the skin until it bleeding painting the hospital bed and duvet with red crimson color as he stand up again circling the victim watching him struggling hard at the pain.

" You make my baby cry! " He shout and grip his hairs looking at the surrounding room and humming some random song

Not so long after that, he heard few faint footsteps running towards Yoongi's room and that make him smirk widen. He look at Yoongi who already slowly dying and come near him bringing the knife close.

Soon, the door burst open revealing the doctor, Jin and Jimin who looking at him with shock and terrified expression but he could careless and smirking towards them who looking at him.

" Taehyung, Stop! " Jin shout trying to come closer to him.

Slowly, Taehyung bring the blunt knife against Yoongi's right chest before stabbing it his right lung. Yoongi's eyes and mouth wide open and finally he look at Taehyung who pull the knife from him.

Taehyung went towards them with his bloody hands with dark creepy smile and rubbing the knife side that has Yoongi's blood to Jimin's left cheek while looking at him with wide smile.

" Tell my baby... I kill all of you " He whisper making them froze and Taehyung press the knife harder on Jimin's cheek before pull it and walk away from there but not before staring at Yoongi's now almost lifeless with smirk.

Jimin and Jin froze at the place unable to talk and couldn't move standing there like a statue and the doctor immediately run towards Yoongi to check up on him and Yoongi's breath hitch and getting slower.

The doctor call for another help and they manage to save Yoongi even he was in critical condition and coma. Jin was panic realizing that Jungkook staying at same rooftop with Taehyung.

He gonna tell Jungkook about how dangerous Taehyung is but he didn't knew the meaning ' My baby ' is Jungkook and he will do anything for Jungkook and willing to kill to whoever hurt and make his baby cry.

𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤

" Any problem me killing him? " Taehyung whisper making them jolt from their place and looking at Taehyung wig terrified face.

" I told you to not tell this to my baby " He continue through gritted teeth looking at them with blank eyes.

" Seem like both of you really want to die " He again continue as they were badly trembling holding each other hands.

Like who's not? A murderer moreover a psychopath also that was almost kill Yoongi infront their eyes now standing infront of them threatened them to kill them.

They squeeze their hands together gulping their saliva down making the adam apple move up and down while thinking that today might their last day alive because if Taehyung already tried to kill Yoongi.

Then who know how many people he already kill?

" I let you go for now " Taehyung said staring at them with blank eyes and they immediately bow to him and run out from Jungkook's room.

Taehyung smirk after they leave so rush like he going to kill them and he love when people fear of him. He felt so power and proud making the people fear of him. Then, he go downstairs to see them bow to Jungkook and bid him good-bye.

" Why are they so rush? " Jungkook mumble and pout making the other smile like a creep and come towards Jungkook back to back hug and kiss his nape.

Jungkook who cluesless and innocent giggle feeling ticklish not understand the meaning Taehyung doing to him and hold the older veiny arm that was wrapping his tiny waist.

The bunny boy felt shiver when Taehyung licking his earlobe and nape, kissing it before sucking the small boy milky skin that now full of hickeys.

" H-hyung, it hurt " Jungkook whimper as Taehyung shushing him and lick the art that he make just now with wide smirk.

" Let's sleep " Taehyung unwrap his arm and walk to the couch to sit on it and open the television with remote.

" But I want to visit Yoongi hyung " The bunny boy fiddling his fingers and that making Taehyung smile darkly remember the last night event.

Taehyung face suddenly turn to cold again hearing Yoongi's name coming out from his baby's mouth and he look at Jungkook with fierce eyes, pointing his lap and Jungkook being obedient puppy follow his command.

" You good boy right? " He whisper with deep voice and Jungkook nod still adjusting himself on the older lap.

" My good boy " Taehyung pat Jungkook's soft hair and bring his head against his broad chest one while patting Jungkook's bubbly ass cheeks making the other blush so bad.


To Be Continue

1037 words

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