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Trigger Warning : Violence

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Trigger Warning : Violence


It been one year and Jungkook gave birth to a pretty baby girl and he name her Kim Yoona. He was staring at the outside window seeing kids running here and there meanwhile him?

Stuck in the house with a psycho which is his ' husband ' now and Taehyung always will force him to have intercourse with him and who is he to push him? He exhausted to push and obey his so called husband.

Taehyung even brought some of his victims into the basement so that he can torture them and Jungkook couldn't help them because Taehyung always threatened him to hurt Yoona. How could he? She's his daughter.

But now, Taehyung has change slowly as long as Jungkook were there for him.

Jungkook pat the baby bum and bounce her a bit so that she can sleep. She was making some incoherent noise which making Jungkook sadly chuckle to his daughter.

He found out that he's pregnant after three months Taehyung drag him away from his house after killing his own father. He's still traumatized by the action of Taehyung on that day.


Namjoon and the others was running into the hospital after knowing that Yoongi already woke up from his coma and when they arrive, there a few police in Yoongi room making them furrow.

They enter the room and see Yoongi explaining to police how Taehyung tried to kill him and also Jimin and Jin became a witness too but because they were threatened before that why they not brave enough to tell them.

But now, Yoongi already told the police and he afraid of Jungkook safety because Jungkook live with the psychopath. Some of them of course upset because they didn't tell them and this is big case, killing not small case.

Not so long after that, Yoongi beg to the doctors to let him go because he need to save Jungkook and the doctors let him but with few doctor follow him behind because of Yoongi's health is not hundred percent okay.

The siren echoed from far as Taehyung cursing grabbing Jungkook small frame into his dragging him to upstairs to hide. He knew that there no chance to run and one way is to hide in his hideous more like secret room.

But before that, Taehyung take few blanket, tied it together and tied it around the bed leg, throw it outside the window to make that they already run for sure. He smirk and continue dragging Jungkook who tried to run away.

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