𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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Trigger Warning : Violence & Sexual assault

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Trigger Warning : Violence & Sexual assault


" What are you doing? " A deep voice said from behind him which make him flinch as he heard that voice cause he knew the owner voice too well.

Jungkook already trembling on his place as he clutching the hem of his sweater with his small hands and slowly look behind him only to see Taehyung with a sickening smirk to him.

He gulp down his saliva as his small feet walk backward and he look around to find something to defend himself which he saw a knife on the nightstand table with a laptop aside.

He immediately run there and grab the bloody knife and he gaps when he saw what in the laptop screen. He saw there a camera in his bedroom, video him naked in bathroom and few pictures of him on the table.

He felt disgust.

Not only that, there a lot of pictures people that he killed and all of the picture have date and blood attached at the picture. Including, his crush. Haneul. His heart broke into pieces knowing his crush die.

Because of this psycho obsessed over him.

" Seem like you know my secret already " He chuckle with his deep voice sending chill to Jungkook.

" And you must know who take your virginity last night and I admit,I'm the one who push Yoongi fron the stairs " He continue chuckle looking at the bunny boy who pointing the knife at him.

" You're psycho! " Jungkook scream pointing the knife towards Taehyung who slowly walk towards him with both hands behind him and same smirk.

His Yoongi hyung got into hospital because of this psycho too. A brother who cold yet soft for him now in coma, the one who always protect him now in coma. He hate this guy.

He regret helping this guy.

" I am " Taehyung said and before Jungkook could said anything, Taehyung already choke him which Jungkook accidentally drop the knife to stop him from choking him.

Taehyung throw Jungkook on the bed that has blood stained making Jungkook felt disgust and terrified but the other don't give a fuck as he climb ontop Jungkook's small frame who struggling to free himself.

" Let me go! " Jungkook scream as tears running down his eyes when he felt Taehyung kiss- more like sucking his neck like a hungry tiger.

" You're mine only! " The older yell pinning the younger small wrist beside his head.

" No! You don't own me! " Jungkook shout back biting the psychopath's shoulder making the other accidentally let go of him and Jungkook take the advantage kicking his dick before run from his house to find help.

He couldn't think because he panic and he forgot to bring his phone with him.

It's still five in the morning and not a lot of people were out yet but still he don't care. He need to save his life, ignoring the people give him look as he keep running but flinch when he heard Taehyung's voice yelling for him.

" Oh no "

He keep running and almost scream when there someone pulling him into alley, placing his large palm on Jungkook's mouth to stop his from screaming. He look up only to see a drunk man who looking at him with dirty smirk.

' Why my life is so unlucky? '

Jungkook thought as tears running down his chubby cheeks already fed up because he lose the people he love, his virginity was taken by force and he already exhausted from all this shit.

He knew he won't be able to run knowing the bulky yet drunk man hold him and he can't even move his body. He gave up. Even he scream there definitely no one will heard him unless someone walk pass there.

" You smell nice baby " The drunk man whisper in Jungkook's ear making him cringe when he smell alcohol from his mouth.

His leg wobble and he finally fall on his knees letting the drunk man do to him. He too tired. Closing his eyes ready for the next action might coming but there nothing.

He open his eyes only to see Taehyung already beating the drunk man without mercy. Punching him to the core till bleeding, Jungkook quietly get up from his place trying to run from there silently but his movement stop when he heard Taehyung spoke up.

" Where do you think you're going baby? " Taehyung rasp pulling Jungkook's hair as the bunny boy yelp in pain looking at the other with his teary doe eyes.

" Please, let me go... " Jungkook whimper holding Taehyung's bloody hand that fisting his hairs.

" Let you go? " He scoff before continue " I want you to see how I torture this guy for touching my property! " Taehyung shout letting go of Jungkook's hair and put him on his shoulder.

He grab the unconscious man leg, dragging him into the car that he stole few hours ago. Jungkook was silently crying at the passenger seat as the psychopath beside him laugh devilish without care.

He brought Jungkook somewhere far away from Seoul and that place is his own house. The place where he was raised, a place where he first killed animals and humans.

His mother died weeks ago and his father? That drunken man who he just beat at the alley for touching his baby. His father also run away from their house ever since his wife died.

" T-Taehyung, my son. P-please spare me. I'm your father " The half drunk man whisper weakly as he cough blood.

" I'm sorry but you're no longer my father when you touch my baby! " Taehyung yell kicking the old man and grab a axe in his hands with a sickening smirk.

Jungkook was crying begging Taehyung to stop the torture after knowing that the old man is Taehyung's father. He's his father and why would he kill his own father? Jungkook don't know.

He scream closing his eyes and ears with his small palm when he saw a head rolling on the floor. Taehyung kill his own father without mercy and don't even let his father said anything.

He just a witness that Taehyung kill his father. He was so trauma from what he just saw.

" You raised a monster " Taehyung wipe some blood from his face and drop the axe to the bloody floor surface and look at Jungkook who sobbing curling into small frame.

" Come here bunny " Taehyung said but frown when he heard a police sirens from outside his house.


To Be Continue

1086 words

I'm speechless while I'm writing this-

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