Head Held High - 1d Medical

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"You should be heading home," Harry smiled as Louis left the house. Harry held his three year old daughter Taytum sleeping in his hands and watched his boyfriend leave the house. "It was an amazing night," Louis answered as he headed towards the door, "I can't wait for us to move in together." Harry smiled as kissed Louis goodbye. "Neither can I."

Louis closed the door silently and walked two streets down. He needed to start a shift that morning, so Harry didn't find it confienent for Louis to sleep over. The boys had been in a relationship for quite some time, and they were moving in together in Harry his house, at the end of the month.

Louis was a nurse and Harry worked as a preschool teacher. They met via Harry's mates, Niall and Zayn, after they threw a party for their child. They had invited some other staff members from the hospital and that's how Harry and Louis had met.

Harry walked up the stairs with his daughter in his arms. She had fallen asleep against Louis his chest. Taytum was stuck to Louis and Louis loved the girl with his whole heart. Harry his wife died right after giving birth to Taytum, so it usually was just the two of them. That's why he's so proud of her how she adjusted to the situation when Harry brought Louis home.

"Let's lay you down little one," Harry said as he laid his daughter down, "tomorrow we'll be going shopping for our new home." Harry pulled the covers over Taytum her head and watched how she snuggled further into the bed. "Night TayTay."


"Yeah Tay and I will be there tomorrow. Thanks for helping me out here Z," Harry said to one of his mates. Zayn was free tomorrow and offered Harry to help him shopping. "Anytime mate," Zayn spoke, "I'm going to hang up now because I'm still on duty. I'll be there at 10 yeah?"

Harry responded that he was alright with that, before hanging up. He walked up the stairs, but not forgetting to press a hand kiss on Sarah, his wife, her picture. Louis knew about it and he found it a beautiful way to keep Sarah's memory alive.

Harry wanted to check on Taytum as well, he always did, but he felt that something was wrong. He couldn't lay his finger on it, but when he entered the room, the smell of vomit hit his nose. Harry immediately flicked the light on and found that Taytum had vomitted on her pillow. "Ahh taytay," Harry said as he came closer to his daughter, "you didn't feel well girl."

Harry noticed that Taytum wasn't moving an didn't react to Harry his voice and she didn't look up to the light. "Tay," Harry said, "Tay wake up." Harry shook her shoulder but Taytum didn't move at all. Now Harry began to worry and shook Taytum harsher. "Tay wake up for papa," Harry said now crying. He already got Louis his number on dial and was about to call the ambulance in a second as well.

"Hey Haz," Louis picked up, "what's up mate. It's like half past twelve." Louis got called Awake by his boyfriend. "It's Tay," Harry cried as he tried shaking her awake once again, "she isn't waking up." Louis shot up in his bed and quickly put his shoes on. "Alright Haz. I'm coming yeah. Call the ambulance as well, I have the key. Don't do anything stupid. I'm there within a minute mate." Harry kept crying and told Louis that he'll phone the ambulance as well.

Harry sat down next to Tay as he tried to contact with the emergency services. He rubt her back and felt how stiff she was. Harry just kept crying, until he heard the door open from downstairs. Louis was home and Harry immediately ran towards the staircase. "Lou," Harry cried as he hold the phone to his ear. Louis knew it was getting serious and took three steps at the time. As he reached Taytum her bed, he saw his predictions were true. Taytum was in a pretty bad shape. Louis immediately got his hand towards her neck, to check a pulse. Luckily he found one.

"Hey Tay," Louis said as he lifted the three year old, "open your eyes for me love." Louis laid her down on the ground and began to undo her pajamas. He than quickly checked for breathing and a pulse again. Harry told him that she had one when he checked on her, but now it was nowhere to be found. Louis immediately started CPR on her.

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