Drowning on dry land - 5sos medical

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Prompt for Irishgirlzz

Michael, Luke, Calum, and Ashton were four brothers, but they had another brother, but he had a condition. He was called Olivier and suffered from epilepsy, which was diagnosed when he was 2 years. He had a grand mal seizure when he was playing with his four brothers outside their house. Their parents took him to hospital straight away.
Their parents died a few years ago, so Michael, who was the oldest, was in charge. He was 18 and had to take the full responsibility for his brothers. Calum was 14, Luke was 12 and Ashton and Olivier were twins who just turned 7. Their parents died 3 years ago in a car crash. They were just bringing Olivier and Ashton to swimming lesson when their car crashed into another one, their parents died at the scene, but Olivier and Ashton only had a broken leg. The driver of the other vehicle was clear of injuries. After their parents dead Michael was sure to become a medic when he grew up, right now he was in medic school which came handy as Olivier was having serious seizures after the crash. Michael have never felt any more responsible before then with his brothers, he always wanted to make sure that all of them were safe.

"God Olivier what did you do," Calum laughed when he saw his brothers face which was covered with chocolate. Not much later Olivier's partner in crime, also known as his twin brother Ashton, came walking in with his mouth covered chocolate. "Alright guys, Luke just baked a wonderful chocolate cake, but you didn't take a bite now did you?" Calum questioned the boys. Both shook their heads with innocence. "I would wonder how it would taste; too bad we need to wait till tonight to be able to taste it." Calum was teasing the boys because he knew either one of them was going to give in pretty soon. "The cake tasted wonderful Calum, even the colou." Olivier was interrupted by a punch of his twin. "Now he knows dumbass," Ashton whispered into his ear. "Olivier, Ashton did you have a taste of the chocolate cake that Luke had put in the fridge." Both boys looked down and shamefully nodded their heads. "Thank you for being honest boys, now I'll wash your face and then you're going to color something for Luke because you ate from his cake and I think he will forgive you when you both are truly sorry." Both boys hopped after Calum to let him wash their faces and eagerly began coloring for Luke. Calum thought that letting them color with markers would do no harm, but already after a few seconds they were covered in markers their selves. Calum decided to turn it down and try to focus on his homework on the same table where the boys were coloring their heart out for Luke.
They were busy for maybe half an hour when Calum suddenly heard a chair moving over the floor. He looked up and saw Olivier hopping off his chair, he slowly made his way towards Calum. When Calum looked him into the eyes, he knew what was wrong, Olivier had always a blank stare right before he was going to have a seizure. Sometimes he did, but only when he was too busy with something, the other times there was no indication to know that he will have a seizure. He practically jumped out of his chair to get to Olivier as quick as he could. "Ashton could you please play outside for a moment bud, because I need to set the table for dinner," Calum lied to his brother. He knew Ashton could not handle a seizure from his brother because that would turn into a panic attack. Ashton did not question his brother and decided to join Luke outside. When Calum heard the door towards outside close, he turned back towards Olivier. "Hey Olivier, do you feel alright?" Calum made sure to keep his grip on Olivier because he would be falling pretty soon. Olivier slowly shook his head and Calum could feel his muscles stiffening. "Alright Olivier, I'm just going to lay you on the ground to make sure you won't fall hard." Olivier had no idea what was going on and when Calum laid him on the ground he was shaking uncontrollably. "MICHAEL," Calum screamed as he knew that his brother was probably upstairs studying. He was right because within seconds he heard familiar footsteps sprinting down the stairs. "What's wrong," he practically yelled back. Calum just pointed to Olivier who was still seizing on the floor. Michael kneeled beside his little brother and laid him on the side. He kept his hand on his hips, so he made sure to keep him on the side. "You timing," Michael asked. Calum nodded and gave the phone to Michael. Michael just kept his focus on Olivier but when they heard the door open that led to the backyard both heads shot up. Luckily, it was just Luke who decided to walk in because he was getting thirsty. "Owe it's just you Luke," Calum said letting out a sigh. Luke wanted to know what the commotion was about and why Ashton was outside saying sorry to him over and over. "Yeah, it's just me. Why's Ashton saying sorry to me and where's Olivier?" Calum only had to point to the floor where Olivier was still convulsing. "Ohh shit, can I do something for you?" he asked. Luke still was not used to the seizures of his brother. "Yeah, could you take Ashton to Mac Donald's and get the food to here because this will take a while," Michael told his brother. Luke nodded and went back to get Ashton ready.
Olivier's movements were getting less severe. Michael knew he would be out of this seizure in any minute, so he stopped the timer which was stopped at 15.32. "It only gets longer by the time," Michael sighed out. He was really getting worried about the seizures since most of them were reaching 10 minutes. "You're doing great bud," Michael told Olivier while he strokes his hair. All of the sudden Olivier began shaking again. "God, Calum can you pass me his medicine and a syringe please?" Calum quickly ran to the medicine cabinet which was mainly occupied by medicine which is needed for Olivier. Calum gets the stuff that Michael asked for and rushed back. The scene was even worse than before because not only saliva was dripping out of his mouth, but blood was also dripping gout his mouth and nose as well. "Ehh Michael, he's bleeding." Calum passed the stuff that Michael requested. He put everything in the syringe and then put the syringe into Olivier's nose. When he emptied the syringe into his nose his movements abruptly stopped. "You're going to be fine Oli," Calum whispered into his ear. Not long after he started to move around and started to wake up. "Hey Oli, you have us quite a scare mate. You alright?" Michael asked his brother who was still confused. Oliver nodded his head as response not thrusting his voice since he knew he always had to threw up when he had a seizure. he quickly covered his mouth with his hand which was quite a hint to Michael that he was going to throw up. "Calum pass me that bin quickly," Michael said to Calum. He quickly stood up and ran towards the closest bin he could find. He basically threw it to Michael since there was nothing in it. Michael put it under Olivier's chin and not long after he started to throw up. " You're going to be just fine," Michael said while he rubbed his back. When Olivier was finished, he laid completely lifeless against Calum while Michael cleaned things up. "Alright Oli, Ashton and Luke are getting Mac Donald's but I think Luke have gotten you something that you can keep down easier than a cheeseburger, then I'll shower you and lay you down with me in bed. Does that sound good to you?" Michael suggested as he placed his brother on his hip. Olivier did not have the power anymore to speak so just nodded.

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