My Grades Aren't The Only Thing That Are Failing - 1d Medical

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This one is bad and short. I'm sorry but I'm out of inspiration currently and being in and out of the hospital more than I would like so yeah (might delete it later) . Sorry guys, better things are coming.

Liam tossed around in his room. The 14 year old didn't feel good today. His kidney was giving out and he knew that. He had it before when he was 10, his donor kidney gave out as well. Now the kidney he got from his dad was giving out as well. He felt wetness between his legs and knew he had peed himself once again. That's when he completely lost it.
He let out a shaky breath and suddenly his light got flicked on. Since he was turned with his back towards the door he didn't knew that his oldest brother stood in the doorway.
"Hey Li what's up mate," Niall spoke as he reached his brother. Liam had stage 4 kidney failure and Niall was fully aware of that. The 17 year old, being the oldest out of three, took quite a responsibility for that.
Liam turned around to face his brother, his face pale and it looked to Niall he just cried. Niall also noticed Liam short of breath.
"Hey kiddo," Niall smiled softly, "breath alright. Just copy my breathing."
Niall laid Liam his hand on Niall his chest and breathed in and out. To much like of Niall Liam copied it pretty quickly. After a few minutes Liam breathed 'normal' again, a few mishaps here and there but it was fine. Niall pulled him in a hug and let him calm down to Niall his heartbeat.
Once Liam breathed normally again and was calmed down, Niall heard the door again. Their other brother Zayn was revealed in the doorway.
"Hey Z," Niall softly spoke, "what's wrong?" Zayn just looked to Niall and than back to Liam. "Do you want me to get dad and papa?" he asked anxiously.
Niall shook his head as he felt Liam tense at those words. "No thanks bud. Go back to sleep, I'll handle Li."
Zayn nodded and closed the door. "Really Li why don't you want me to get dad?" Niall softly spoke as he rubbed Liam his back.
Louis, their dad, worked at the hospital. He was a ER doctor. Their papa worked as a history teacher at the school Niall, Liam and Zayn attended.
"I just don't," Liam whispered, "Ni I wet myself."
Now Liam was crying from embarrassed and pain. Niall noticed and quickly cuddled him. "Hey it's fine nothing to worry about. How about you hop in the shower and I'll strip down your bed and make it again?"
Liam nodded and stepped out of his bed. He sighed and slowly walked towards the bathroom that was connected to his own bedroom. Niall got up as well and stripped down the sheets. He noticed a red substance on the covers and noticed Liam peed blood. Niall knew he promised his brother not to get his parents but this was getting out of control.
He still heard the shower from Liam running so he knew he had a bit time. He crossed the hallway towards his parents room. He didn't bother knocking tough and threw the door open. Harry, who was a light sleeper, immediately sat upright and grabbed his glasses from his bedside table. He saw his eldest standing in his room.
"Ni what the fuck," Harry spoke worried since Niall was the last person he would expect on this time.
"It's Li," Niall crocked out. Harry immediately shook Louis awake.
"No Haz," Louis complained, "just a few more minutes."
"Something is up with Liam," Harry spoke quickly. Louis was wide awake now and saw Niall standing in the room. Louis quickly jumped out and followed Niall towards Liam his room.
Niall flicked the lights on and showed Louis the sheets. Louis swallowed hard, knowing his son's kidneys were giving out once again.
"He didn't want me to get you but I'm really worried about him," Niall silently spoke. Louis pulled his eldest into a hug.
"He has a appointment tomorrow," Louis sighed, "you were supposed to bring him but I'll do that."
Niall his head shot up knowing he had to bring his brother. "No I'll go please," Niall spoke, "I still need to do something."
Louis sighed but nodded knowing he wasn't going to win the discussion with Niall.
"Go to sleep Ni," Harry sympathetically smiled as he placed a hand on Niall his shoulder "your dad and I will clean this yeah."
Nial held his head low and made his way to his own room. He was going to do it. He was getting tested tomorrow. He didn't want Liam to find out but he had to do it. Tomorrow Niall would find out he could safe his brothers life. His parents had no idea either about this plan but Niall wanted it badly. It was the least he could do.

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