That makes two of us - 1d medical

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The light dimes and all the six-year-old entered the stage. Nola Horan stood there as well, more to the right and when the lights went back on, she immediately spotted Niall waving at her and giving his thumbs up.
"Maysam," Nola said hearable for Niall and waved to her other older brother Maysam. Maysam suffered from cerebral palsy, because he was born with a lack of oxygen, so he is in a wheelchair.
Niall took both of Maysam's hands and waved back.
Nola her hair was braided by Liam who sadly could not make it because he had a morning shift in the hospital, but he promised the six-year-old Horan that they went to Nando's once Liam returned home.
Nola and Maysam lives with Niall since their mother neglected both due to the disability of Maysam. Niall took both of them in when he turned 18 and met Liam a year later. Four years later, Liam and Niall got engaged and Niall got a full parenting over Maysam and Nola.
Nola danced like there was no tomorrow. Maysam looked at his sister and was somehow processing everything. Throughout the years Maysam had learned a few facial expressions. One of them was happy. Once Niall turned to Maysam to see how he was doing, Niall saw that Maysam had a happy facial expression when Nola danced her solo.
"You like it buddy?" Niall asked his brother while he wiped some saliva from Maysam his face. Maysam made a high squeal which was for Niall more than enough. He saw his baby sister preform and his younger brother happily enjoying in.
Once Nola was done, she quickly turned around and waved back to Niall and Maysam. Then the curtains closed, and the lights went back on.
It was a break and Niall knew that the youngsters were allowed now to sit by their family, so it did not take long before Niall heard familiar footsteps running his way.
Nola stood in front of Niall with a smile from ear to ear. "Nini you saw I was good right?" Nola asked as she climbed on her brothers lap. "I saw No," Niall started as he placed Nola on his lap, "and even Maysam liked it. Right buddy?" Maysam squealed once again and Nola placed a kiss on Maysam his cheek.
"I love you Maysam," Nola said as she sat down next to Niall and held Maysam his hand.
Niall thought it looked cute and snapped a picture for Liam.
"We're watching the rest, right?" Niall asked Nola. She excitedly nodded because one day she wanted to stand there as well. Suddenly the light dimmed, and the curtains opened which made Nola - and Maysam in her act- clap as hard as she could.
Niall sadly smiled and laid an arm over Nola her shoulder to which she gratefully pulled into Niall's thigh. He softly kissed her forehead and Nola grabbed his hand.
"Nola luv you," Nola exclaimed once the show started.

Throughout the show Maysam was getting more and more tired till he finally fell asleep.
Once the show was over Niall noticed his younger brother sleeping and decided to leave it that way because he knew that Maysam would get grumpy if he got woken up.
"Nini are we going to eat with Li?" Nola asked as she wakes next to Niall. Niall nodded watching the little bumps on the road in the hope that Maysam would not get woken up.
"Nola what do you want to eat?" Niall asked his sister when he managed to get on a normal pavement.
"NANDO'S," she screamed. "That's my sister," Niall said laughing and ruffles through her hair.
"Lili we're home," Nola a screamed as she walked through the front door. She kicked out her flip flops while Liam retuned from the living into the hallway. Within seconds Nola climbed onto his leg like a little monkey.
"Hey little chipmunk," Liam said while he picked up Nola, "How was it?"
"Good," She responds while she played with Liam's badge.
Niall took off Maysam his shoes and carried him out of his chair.
"Let us lay down for a bit Yeah?" Niall said while he laid Maysam down in the living. Maysam had two beds, one downstairs and one in his own bedroom. He had a special bathroom as well were Niall or Liam could easily bath him.
"Hey love," Liam said as he placed a kiss on Niall's cheek which made Maysam squeal.
"Just cover your eyes mate," Liam playfully said to Maysam as he placed another kiss on Niall's cheek.
Maysam squealed once again which made Nola kiss his cheek.
"Oww and now we don't scream," Niall said laughing.
Nola got Maysam his hand while Liam went prepping his medicines. Due to his condition Maysam had to have 24/7 care and has a regular medicine scheme.
"A little pinch mate," Liam said to Maysam as he stuck the syringe into Maysam his vein. A tear slipped out of his eye which made Nola hug him. "No tears Maysam," she said as she kissed him. "See," she exclaimed, "Lili is all done."
"Let Maysam sleep for a bit. You and Liam go do some baking than we'll head to Nando's afterwards," Niall suggested as he turned Maysam into a sleeping position.
"Cupcakes," Nola screamed to much dislike of Liam. He loved baking but not cupcakes again.
"Alright let us head to the stores than," Liam sighed and looked at his fiancé with a 'I'll have you back' look which made Niall smirk.
"Fairytale cupcakes," Nola said as she held the package high. Liam, who had just put a few apples in the basket, sighed but could not refuse Nola her puppy eyes.
"Alright NoNo, but we know the deal?" Liam asked while getting on eye level.
"Yeah, yeah," Nola said hugging, "as long as I keep eating two pieces of fruit a day, I am allowed to eat cupcakes." Liam scuffled through her hair and kissed her head.
"What do we need as well for those shiny things?" Liam asked laughing. Nola ran away and returned with a dozen of eggs, butter, and some candy. "I'm pretty sure that that candy isn't supposed to go in there," Liam said while he still put it into his basket, "but since you performed so well at ballet today you can get these and even get to pick out an ice cream."
Nola looked at Liam in disbelief because she only was allowed to get it with Niall or with Liam when it were special occasions.
She slowly grabbed his hand and walked Liam towards the ice cream ward.
Nola eventually picked some soft ice cream and when Liam asked her why she chose it she told him that she could share it with Maysam.

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