Okay so first, I was on YouTube looking up Gravity Falls videos and I noticed a teaser for the new episode. NEW EPISODE! Yes, Gravity Falls is back and the new episode was amazing *SPOILERS AHEAD* especially the end *cue mysterious music* Dipper helps Pacifica with stuff and so they have become a possible couple! I don't know if I ship them though... Also Old Man Mcgucket (idk how to spell it😂) said something baaaadddd was about to happen and then there was this thing and THIS OTHER THING AND WOW I CANT THINK STRAIGHT IT WAS SO CRAZY!!! Then I watched Sleepy Hollow and I realize not many people that I know watch it (SOMEONE has to be though else it wouldn't be on its second season) it was amazing! All I have to say is Irving is not evil anymore, Henry is dead, Katrina is evil and might be plotting something bad, and *drumroll* ABBY AND KATRINA HAVE BEEN BROUGHT BACK IN TIME SO THEY HAVE TO DO STUFF IN ICHABOD'S TIME!!!!!😱so cray-cray😂
K well I had to get that out... Bye! Video above is the teaser for the new Gravity Falls episode...
I don't know what to call this
RandomQuotes, Songs, Rants, FANGIRLING, and other stuff...