Beach Pt2

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I hear footsteps behind me and then they stop. I could tell someone was looking at me but I ignored it and carried on. When the body sits down beside me I notice the black hair immediately. I turn my head to see Jaden in all his glory sat beside me on a beach in Australia.

I get off and walk away from the group, he follows me and when I turn around I push his chest angrily. He stumbles back a little and chuckles at my attempt to push him over.

"If you pushed him a little harder maybe he'd fall" Blake laughs from behind me.

"What are you all doing here?" I ask.

"Little vacation" Bryce shrugs.

"You can't do that" I sigh.

"Why not?" Jaden asks.

"Because I live here, I'm here for family not to run around making YouTube videos. You couldn't have waited 2 days" I say running my hands through my hair.

"Look Sage were sorry, we just wanted to support you" Bryce sighs.

"I get that but this is my family trip I came here for a week away not to be followed" I Roll my eyes.

"If it makes you feel better Ness and Mads are further up the beach" Jaden shrugs.

"Wait Nessa is here?" I ask.

"You guys don't play fair" I say walking away.

"I'll meet you later!" I shout.

I get back to Sunday and she has a smirk all over her face when I sit back down. Analise and Valentina make there way back to us with Ford and Ruel.

"Who's that?" Ruel asks looking behind me.

I spin round to see Bryce and Blake messing around wrestling each other in the sand. I laugh at the two boys who were acting like children.

"It's immature and stupid" Analise scoffs.

"Well there my friends, so if you have a problem with them. You have one with Me as well" I stand up looking up to her slightly but she was much taller than me.

"Maybe you should go play with them then, seen as you wanna act immature" she scoffs.

Dylan and Harrison were running towards us and everyone had fallen silent, while being in LA I'd learnt how to stand up for myself against arrogant and self entitled bitches like Analise.

"Act immature, the only person that's actually immature here is you Analise. Your insecure as well, but I don't blame you I would be as well" I shrug.

"Just because you gained clout from one shitty EP and a poetry book doesn't mean you can look down on everyone" she shouts as I walk away.

I pause at the place I'm in, I take a second to try compose myself. I focus on Blake waving me over but her comment was under my skin. I spin round and stalk towards her, I pull my arm back and slap her so hard she almost stumbles back. Her hand goes straight to her cheek and I give her a wide smile and walk away from the group.

"You just slapped someone" Bryce laughs.

"She deserved it" I shrug and sit down beside Nessa.

"Who is she?" Nessa asks.

"Her names Analise Price" I say watching her cry into Ruels chest.

"I should have done more than slap her as well" I growl.

"You need to calm down" Blake laughs throwing sand at me.

"Hey" I say jumping up from my seat.

He immediately runs towards me trying to tackle me. I hold my hand out to stop him, I quickly slip off my shoes and take off running in the opposite direction. I start running towards the water and when im ankle deep my eyes connect with the same green eyes that held me captive two months ago and I stop. He was swimming in the water by himself.

Arms wrap around my waist and I'm lifted into the air, but my eyes never leave his. His face grows pained as he watches Blake lift me into the air. He doesn't look away because he's not a coward. Blake puts me down and he stands behind me looking to see who I was looking at.

"Is that him?" He asks.

"That's him" I say still captivated my his beauty.

Blake throws me his shirt and dives into the water splashing me in the process, I take my eyes off Ruel to chase after Blake but he ignores me and the bottom of my dress is wet. I run back to Bryce, Jaden and Josh I throw Blake's T-shirt at them and I slip off my dress to reveal the white bikini I'd put on underneath.

I run down to the sea but Blake's already talking with him. I look to see Sunday walking towards me. She smiles and then when she gets to be she burst out laughing. I stand facing her confused.

"That was funny, Analise went home because her face was bruising and that's embarrassing for her reputation" she laughs.

"Looks like I'm good at something" I laugh.

"You music is actually good, when Ruel told me about you I did a full background check. I approved but he's obviously hung up on Analise. I hope your friend can talk some sense into him" she nods out to the sea.

"Oh Blake, he's persuasive but I'd prefer it if he stayed out of the whole situation" I shrug.

"Maybe it'll work, you know from brother to brother" Sunday laughs.

"Maybe, Blake got through to me when I first moved to LA. For everyone's else it's was like trying to hammer through a wall" I joke.

"So you trust Blake?" She asks.

"With my life" I say looking at Blake as they both swim towards us.

"I'm gonna go back to them let you talk" she says leaving me stood on my own.

Blake reaches me and winks mischievously, he holds his hand out for his shirt and I point back to Bryce.

"Your gonna be in big trouble later Blakey" I whisper to him.

"Hey don't blame me you might have a catch" he laughs walking backwards.

"And you might have a black eye" I joke.

He flips me off and I turn round, Ruel was just getting out of the sea and I walk slowly towards him. I look up to him and he looks down meeting my gaze, his eyes were boring into mine and I could see every shade of green and hazel in his eyes. His mouth was curved slightly into a smile and his chest was fully exposed allowing the sun to reflect from the droplets.

"Come on man we're heading back up to the house" Ford shouts causing him to smile and walk away.

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