Start of the album

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I refused to listen to Ruels EP not out of spite. I just didn't wanna hear shit that I needed to hear. I know as soon as I listen to it I'll be on the phone to him before I can stop myself, so I'll avoid the situation all together. I roll out of bed and pull a jumper over my head, it started to get warmer here so I started to sleep half naked. Not exactly the best idea in a house full of boys but I lock my door on a night.

I head downstairs to see everyone at the dining room table talking, a bunch of people were over today we were having a party kind of thing but it was more low-key than the others that have happened while I were here.

"Oh my god bitch your finally alive" Larry smiles walking towards me.

"Hey Larry" I smile back sleepily.

"It's like what 12pm bitch seize the day" he jokes as I sit down.

"I have a session later but I'll be back at 8 for the party" I tell everyone.

"Nai, is coming later she's looking forward to meeting you" Larry tells me.

"Yeah and Huddy too, could be awkward with Charli coming though" Bryce shrugs.

"Bets people who's gonna hook up with who" Josh yells.

"Yall are assholes" Larry laughs and I get up.

I empty my cup of cold coffee that was shoved in front of me and head upstairs. I change into a simple outfit and let my hair fall naturally. I grab my Mac and notebook and head out. Jaden was hanging by the door waiting for me. I roll my eyes as he opens the door for me.

When we get to the studio it was very simple at first figuring out how to make mine and Jadens voice fit together and then we started the song. It was a pop punk song which didn't bother me because the whole album was really dark, but I wanted some of it to mean things. Not that the songs I've written and completed don't already it's just I like stories and right now it's not making sense.

"It's almost like so far it's through the motions of a breakup that hasn't happened" Ashley mumbles reading my mind.

"Like I've fallen out my infatuation?" I ask her.

"Do you still like him?" She asks me.

"Yeah, I think" I shrug.

"End it on a bittersweet note, leave everyone guessing. Who says the story has to end just yet" she smiles patting my leg.

"Hey, can we look at the order again Arch?" I ask my producer.

"Come here then" he says.

I stand up and sit in the chair beside him, he pulls up the album list I had 6 songs out of 16 so I had 10 more to go. I look at the six songs; carnage, cruel love, helpless, broken, break me, I'll hurt you.

"Carnage is the best one so far" Archie tells me.

"Oh it has to start with carnage and then cruel love" Ashley says.

"No I think so far carnage first then miss a few helpless and broken, then cruel love break me and then I'll hurt you. But I think this song needs to go after carnage" I tell them.

"It's your album kid" Archie says rearranging them all.

"Do we have a title for this song?" Jaden asks.

"What are you thinking?" I ask him.

"I don't know but it's a really vain song, it's like I love myself but only if you love me and I have your validation" he states.

"We should call it vain" I suggest and i get nods all round.

"Don't you have another beat for a song?" Archie asks me.

"Yeah but we can do it another time" I shrug.

"Do you have lyrics?" He asks and I nod.

"Get in the booth then, we'll record the vocals" he says.

When Jaden and I get back the house was full and music was playing all around. He makes his way to mads and I head into the kitchen to find Larry. I find him stood with Nai and Charli. They wave me over and I make my way towards them.

"What's up" Nai smiles.

"Hey, it's so nice to meet you" I smile back.

"Yeah you too, I love your music so much" she compliments me.

"Me too, my mom never stops talking about you" Charli says.

"Oh please I miss Heidi" I tell Charli.

"She misses you too, your mom was over the other day" she tells me.

"Great the only thing we need" I joke.

I separate from them to try find Blake hoping I don't find him with Amelie so I can talk to him. I walk through the full house until I bump into a guy with black messy hair. He spins round to steady my feet. I look up and see his face, I straighten up and smile. He was wearing a black T-shirt and some slightly baggy jeans with a black belt.

"Are you okay?" He asks me.

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay" I smile.

"Chase" he offers his hand.

"Sage" I smile taking it.

"Your the new girl" he notes letting go.

"Not really new anymore but yeah" I laugh.

"Nice" he nods.

"I'd love to talk but I'm looking for someone" I say politely walking by him.

I make my way outside to see Blake in the pool with Bryce and Jaden. I walk towards them with my arms crossed, they were all fully dress and splashing each other like children. When the notice me they all hop out, Jaden and Bryce head inside and Blake hangs back.

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