Byron Bay

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Ruel and I had been together since the beginning of October. It was getting much warmer now, since it is December. The sun was out more there was less haze and everything was working out perfectly. The two of us would switch from his house and mine, both sets of parents were super understanding and were happy with how everything had planned out.

Most of the time we were alone due to his mum and dad working and my dad working all the time. Aside from the shoots and interviews we had to shoot we would be together most of the time. He was working on his new album and I was taking a small break seen as it was my last album on the contract I wanted it to be good and working away from everyone was hard, even though there were great producers over here.

I wanted to create something that no one would expect, something that was gritty but also showed contentment with the life I'm living now. Finding an in between for the two was hard, I found myself most days just sat staring at blank pages hoping that words will jump out at me and I'll magically write them down.

Through the beginning of December was the one year anniversary of being here which meant we had a barbecue in the garden and had everyone over. It was fun but it wasn't the same as it should've been, mum wasn't here and she hadn't called in months. Even when I was in LA she never called, text or asked to see me. Ford and I just shook it off and went out our lives.

Ford had been signed on to a soccer team in California and he leaves at the end of March which leaves me here on my own in this large house, that's was echoing and creaking most of the time. On a brighter note summer was finally here and we were celebrating Christmas and the new year up in Byron bay in a big house for the three families.

On the drive up Sunday and Ford and me and Ruel ended up racing to see who could get there first. It was like a nine hour car drive and I felt really bad because I'd only just started driving lessons so I couldn't help Ruel on the way up. When we got to the house it was huge, it was like what the sway Boys lived in but by the sea.

"Maybe we should leave Sage out in the greenhouse" Ford jokes.

"If you wanna go in the garage be my guest" I joke back.

"Car jokes are old Sage" he rolls his eyes walking into the house.

"Believe it or not Ford your old, your what 20 next year?" I say sarcastically.

"Yeah and who's gonna be making more money when the soccer season starts" he asks defensively.

"Still me, I get revenue from tour a few months later then my last album spring next year and then we have the money that still comes through from all the other things I've done" I shrug.

"But what if everything stops in the music world?" He asks.

"If anything Ford the music world will be around much longer than soccer, plus you might not even end up playing yet you might be benched" I joke.

"I wish you two would stop winding each other up, your like six year olds" my dad moans.

"Healthy competition Will, at least your kids argue the most that happens in our house is Ruel winding Coco and Sylvie up" Kate tells my dad.

"I'm just glad I'm not at home all the time" Sylvie laughs.

"Your not missing out on much" Coco laughs.

"Why?" She asks.

"He winds sage up now, he threw her in the pool fully clothed the other week because she was sat thinking too hard" Coco rolls her eyes.

"She was practically buzzing, cold water helps stress" Ruels shrugs beside me.

"You do think really hard, you were just staring down a blank piece of paper" Coco laughs.

"Writer block is hard" I whine.

"Yeah not hard enough for you to burn a hole through a notepad and my table" Ruel laughs.

"Leave Sage alone, she works hard. I don't think I've ever seen her stand still" Kate smiles sticking up for me.

"Yeah exactly, I'm going up to bed before you all slander my ego away" I pout standing up.

I make my way into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water and heading up to bed. I change into one of Ruels hoodies and some shorts. I then open the door to the balcony and I lean on the railing and watch the water lap into the beach in the moonlight.

I close my eyes basking in the moons light enjoying the serene moment. Everything around me blurs and I hear nothing but my own breathing and the water. This was peace, I lived for moments like this where everything ceases to exist apart from this moment. It's the the world stops turning and you can really appreciate the small things for a second.

Warm arms snake underneath the hoodie and round my waist. I lean back into the gesture resting my head on Ruels broad chest. I was too small to reach the crevice in his neck which I like to lay in but I turn my head and stand comfortably listening to his heartbeat.

The warmth from his body set me alight, my one cold body was on fire from his thumb stroking the soft skin in my waist. I take a deep breath and sink further into his embrace. He wraps his arms tighter round my waist and pulls me closer to him closing the distance between us.

"You seem tense" he whispers.

"It's been a long few months" I sigh quietly.

"I know, are you stressing about your?" He asks me quietly.

"I'm stressing about everything, I've realised three albums in a year. I'm going way too fast for my own good" I sigh turning round and burying my head in his chest.

"After your tour take a few months off, just to relax. Plus your going through writers block so just take some time until you feel inspired again" he smiles into my hair.

"But I want people to be proud of me" I whisper.

"There already proud of you Sage, hell you over took me after your first EP came out" he laughs.

"But your equally as good if not better. You've been doing this twice as long as I have" I sigh.

"You got lucky, you came into it at a good time with an amazing mentor" he whispers.

"Yeah I guess" I shrug.

"Come on, let's go to bed" he sighs and walks me back inside.

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