Second Chance

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Rocky pov

I awoke from my short nap and forgot where i was.

"Where am i?" I questioned.

I sat up and i checked my surroundings. I was in a forest-like area, strange Adventure Bay has no forests like these. The leaves were a different color and shape, the same size and color as...

Foggy Bottom's city leaf! I got up and took a stroll around this strange forest, how did i get this far so quickly?

"I wonder how far away from home i am." I thought to myself.

I closely observed a leaf that i just stepped on a while ago. I ignored it and i had no idea as to how i will get to Adventure Bay or Foggy Bottom.

I took a quick sniff around the area, i smelled something that smelled like food. I made my way to the location, hopefully it's near by Adventure Bay.

Chase pov

I noticed Rocky's scent was being blocked out by another one that smells like food.

"Ryder, into the woods!" I cried as i pointed to my right.

"Woods? Why would Rocky be there?" He questioned.

I gave him a 'trust me' face. So he nodded and we went over to the woods, with Skye and Marshall in our tails.

It's strange, the pound is in the middle of the woods? But that doesn't matter, the smell got stronger and closer as we went on.

Eventually i tracked his scent completely, he was only several yards away.

Rocky pov

I rested on the tree after i found the food's scent faded away for my nose. My stomach rumbled as i sat down, i looked at the wilderness and everything was peaceful.

No cars, no houses, no trash, no pollution! Just how these parts should be, i'm proud of Foggy Bottom for taking care of their forests.

I looked around once more, i saw a squirrel with a couple nuts and he put it inside his cheeks. I chuckled as i watched him do it, then he fled on away.

Nature has always been something i've enjoyed. I suddenly heard firetruck sirens, i was spooked when it got close.

I also heard a helicopter but it stopped right when the sirens stopped. I wonder if a forest fire has occurred. I started hearing whispers and light little shaking.

How can i hear it? One, i'm a dog, and two, when a forest is quiet you can hear nearly everything.

I looked at the bushes to my right and they were rustling. My heart began to start racing, what was behind that bush?!

"Calm down, Rocky, i bet it's just a friendly deer." I thought to myself. "Yes, just a deer."

Then something popped out of the bushed and i didn't dare to look, so i closed my eyes tightly and turned away.

I heard nothing for awhile so i checked what was up. When i looked, it turned out to be Chase Marshall and Ryder. I was surprised they actually came looking for me after my actions.

"Come on, Rocky, let's go back to the lookout." Ryder said as he held his arms out and i sprinted towards him. When i reached there i saw Chase was carrying Skye on his back, and her leg was in a cast.

"Yay! Thanks Ryder!" I cried as i licked Ryder's cheek, chucking due to the tickling reflex. I noticed Marshall was here, not being mean but what purpose does he have here?

"Hey, Marshall, their aren't any fires around or any firepup related troubles around here. Not trying to be rude, but, why are you here?" I questioned the dotted Dalmatian pup.

"Oh, Ryder called me into the mission just in case you were found injured." he responded.

"What happened to you?" I asked Skye as Ryder carried me.

She just rolled her eyes and we headed back to the rigs. "I sprained it, Rocky, now can you quit talking to me?" She rudely told me as Chase looked and acted funny, i guess it is true he likes Skye.

I only rolled my eyes back at her and Ryder set me on Chase's backseat.

"Rocky, are you alright?" Marshall asked as he walked towards the police truck and took a seat near it.

I nodded a slight repsonce, i was just fine. Marshall then made his way down to his rig and Skye was dropped off to hers. Ryder rested his arm on the rig and he asked.

"Why did you come all the way to Foggy Bottom?" Ryder asked as Chase hopped into the truck and Marshall got his engine started.

"i didn't intend to get here, its the location where i escaped the van." I said as Ryder walked away to his ATV, which wasn'r far at all.

He started the engine the same time Skye's helicopter got started. Ryder just nodded as a singal he got the message, the smell of gas hit against my nose as we headed off the area. The smell of gas was strangly pleasent, it faded away now anyways.

So now we're on our way home...

Zuma pov

"Do you think Skye likes Zuma?" I heawd from Wubble's pup house. I walked to his wig and i secretly listened to the conversation.

"I think she might, i mean she keeps him to herself, it's pretty annoying when you think about it." Evewest complained, the cold wall of the wig made me sort of uncomfortable so i moved away. In the process, i knocked over a toy and i landed on my back.

I laid in pain and agony, not making a single sound so i can hear these rumors of me and Skye.

"Well yeah, basically at this rate they should date." Wubble said as he chuckled. "I'm a poet and didn't know it."

Hearing this news made me skeptical, Wocky has been acting nearly the same way as Skye was treating me. Just slightly different than mine and Skye's relationship of course.

"That's a good one, Rubble, and yeah i agree with you. But i think Skye would go better with Chase, no?" Evewest added to the conversation.

i agwwe with her, Skye would actually go better with Chase then me... Would he?

"Oh well, i think Rocky likes Zuma too but Rocky never told anyone if he was. So i can't say he is or not." Wubble also added.

I, once again, got skeptical and left the scene... I guess tomorrow i can find out the truth from the two.. I can only think of sevewal words;

Competing for my heart.

Competing for Zuma's Heart. -RockyxZuma or RockyxSkye fanficWhere stories live. Discover now