What now?

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Rocky pov
It was night time now, it was almost time to go to sleep. I looked at Rubble and he seemed wide awake, just like what Everest told him, he'll be up all night. I went outside to brush my teeth.

When I got outside I looked around for my toothbrush and toothpaste. I put on my pup pack and I started to put the paste on. I noticed the lookout's lights went off, which meant it was time for bed, so I finished out and spit into the grass and rinsed in my night water bowl.

I grabbed my soft cloth and I wiped my mouth. I yawned as i looked at the woods near by the pup park for some reason. I also noticed a spark of light coming from there, so i became skeptical.

I got a flashlight and dimmed it so i wouldn't wake the others. I saw Rubble in his pup house, doing something. Well, i didn't bother to know but he did run off somewhere as well. As i made my way again, i heard a squeal and found out Rubble scared Everest.

"Rubble, i told you not to drink Dr. Pepper!" I heard Everest scold, i chuckled at the results and i made my way to the park again.

I walked down the hill and yawned as i looked at the dark-purplish sky, filled with the night's twinkling stars. I saw a shooting star fly past as i neared the bridge.

I looked at Seal Island and noticed that Captain Turbot was still wake, but it looked like he was wrapping things up. I watched as he entered his home next to the lighthouse, so i looked at the city.

The streets were bare, not a person or pup in sight. No cars either, Adventure Bay is sure quiet tonight.

I stepped foot on the bridge and i looked up the night sky again...

"So fascinating and yet we know little about it," I mumbled, admiring outer space and what it holds. "I wonder if there are alternative universes." (Wink Wink (; )

I looked back at the pup park and, again, saw a spark of light. I started speed walking now, curiosity was getting the best of me right now.

I was out of the bridge now, almost over at the park. It seemed so lonely over at the park, but usually during the day it's full of pups or has at least a couple. 

I looked at the trees as their leaves danced with the gentle night breeze. It was getting pretty chilly out here, i wish i had brought a jacket or something.

The spark came off again, and there was also a figure.

"What the?" I murmured

I walked closer and i made my flashlight slightly dimmer, i was really spooked by this figure. When i was behind a tree, i looked to see who it was.

It was...

Skye pov

I tried again to start up a fire, well now i know i just wasted my time even trying. I turned my lantern and when i turned around i fell off balance.

"Rocky what the heck?" I shouted. "What are you doing here?"

"I can ask you the same question." He said as i picked myself up from the ground.

"Whatever." I told him.

Suddenly, something came out of my jacket's pocket. When i checked to see what it was, it was the ball shaped container i use to store my... er...important stuff!

"No!" I cried as it fell down the hill.

I chased after it, leaving Rocky behind.

Rocky pov

"No!" Skye cried as her ball fell down the hill, she chased after it.

Seeing that she wsa going to the woods by herself, made me sort of worried i mean she is apart of the paw patrol team...

"Skye wait!" I shouted as i ran after her to catch up.

I ran past several trees and i jumped over numerous tree roots and shrubs and many other things that were in the way. I was catching up to her, and when i did we ran into a shrub and it was a dead end.

She gasped as she witnessed her ball fall down into the bay, never to be seen again.

I looked at her, to see what her reaction would be. She looked away from me and turned the other way, i looked at her tail and sure enough it was hanging.

I started hearing sniffles coming from her, i wonder what was so important of that ball?

She sat down on a tree near by and looked at her own paws, i felt bad for her actually. So i went up to her and sat down.

"W-W-What do you w-w-want?" She said as her voice cracked.

I didn't know how to cheer her up, so i did the only thing that came up to mind... I gave her hug, and i could tell she was as surprised with my actions as i was.

"Sorry about your ball, what's important about it though?" I asked as she lightly cried on my shoulder.

It took a while but she gave me an answer.

"It had all the memories i had of my family, you know, before they died..." She said, trying not to crack her voice again. "But you know what i don't get."

I pulled away and she seemed a bit better, i actually feel kind of good for cheering her up. "What?"

She looked down at her paws again and glanced at me and back again. "Why did you hug me, why'd you even bother come here with me in the first place?" She asked.

"I don't know, something inside me told me to do those things so i did."

She gave a small smile, but, it was short lived. She looked around and i looked at the things she was looking at too.

"Rocky, i'm not sure i'm familiar with this part of the forest." She said as she looked back at me.

She was right, no way i can tell where we are it's just plain ocean from here on out.

 "Did you bring any supplies like a blanket or a tent?" I asked.

She shook her head, so i frowned at her answer. Then i had an idea, i took off my pup pack as the wind, once again, blew against us. I looked at Skye and she was freezing cold, but just to be sure i felt her paw. I heard Skye mumble "Huh?" while i was at it

She was colder than she looked, i took out the small green blanket i had and gave it to her as i shivered. I offered it to her and she looked rather surprised, but yet happy.

Skye pov

I was looking at the stars when i felt something touch my paw, looked and i saw it was Rocky,

"Huh?" I mumbled to myself.

As he took his paw off, i felt funny like me and Rocky are getting closer by the minute. He handed me a bright neon green blanket with his name in dark green bold letters in the middle. I looked at him with curiosity and happiness, i never knew he was that nice...

He shivered when i took it and covered myself in it. I felt bad so i offered him some of it.

"No, it's ok i'll be fine." He said as he gave me his pup pack to rest my head on.

"Are you sure, i mean, we can both fit in here."

He shook his head and smiled. "No, it's ok over here."

I laughed a while as i told him. "Going with the titanic thing now, huh?"

He nodded and laid down on the tree next to me. He shut his eyes slowly and he finally said.

"Goodnight, Skye, we'll find our way out tomorrow."

"Goodnight." I told him, honestly i didn't want this night to end but i suppose all nice things have to end too...

Meanwhile... At the lookout...

Rubble pov

I was unsettled i couldn't sleep the pups trapped me inside my own pup house, you heard me right! My own pup house!

Well not all pups, just Chase really. I couldn't sleep so i was really getting frustrated with all this. I groaned as i laid down on my bed.

"I Knew i should've listened to Everest..."

Competing for Zuma's Heart. -RockyxZuma or RockyxSkye fanficWhere stories live. Discover now