Zuma <3

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Rocky pov

I took my first step of the day and walked out of my pup house. The gentle Spring wind blew against my grey fur. The sun hit my fur, making me comfortably warm. I looked around the grassy field in which where we play.

"I'm gonna win!" I heard a current pup cry.

The pup who spoke was none other than the fabulous Zuma. He ran in grace as he hopped over a line of wood perfectly, passing Marshall with ease.

As he ran it seems like it was in slow motion as i looked at his chocolate brown fur. He turned at me with his tongue out and soon after the slow motion gaze was stopped by Marshall.

"Whoa! Look out below!" Marshall cried as he sprang into the air.

"Huh?" Zuma said as he looked up at the sky, also shielding his perfect eyes. "Ahh!" They both screamed as they landed on each other.

I looked away and i took a quick peak at the two. I saw Marshall and Zuma in agony, i came to the scene but not for Marshall.

"Zuma!" I shouted with worry. I picked him and left Marshall on the ground, left with no help. "I'm fine." He said as he got up.

When i looked at the lookout, i saw all the other pups were looking at the accident. "What happened?" Skye asked as she walked into the grass, where we were.

"Marshall here fell on top of poor Zuma, we have to get him checked stat!" I demanded as i carried Zuma on my back, which the other pups thought was unnecessary. "Uh, is this necessary?" Zuma asked in his sweet and charming voice.

"Yes, it is, your hurt." I said as i walked inside the lookout. I spotted Ryder sitting on a lime green bean bag chair, playing his pup pad. "Ryder!" I cried.

He kept playing as i gently set Zuma down on the ground. "Ryder?" I asked while i watched him and he was too sucked into his game.

"Ryder..." I said, getting impatient. I rolled my eyes as he ignored me, Zuma was still lying on the ground. I smacked Ryder's pup pad out of his grid and shortly after i heard the noise that plays when you die.

"Rocky! I almost beat my high score!" He complained as he grabbed the pup pad. "Well this is more important than a game, Zuma's hurt!" I shouted as i pointed at the chocolate lab.

"I'm fine, dude, Wocky is just ovew weacting." Zuma said with grace in his angelic voice. I gazed into his hazel eyes and i felt strange.

"I'm not." I said as i shook my head. "Zuma needs help, now." I demanded.

"Chill, Rocky, he looks fine to me." Ryder said as he got back to his game. When i turned around i saw Zuma has left, i felt like he abandoned me.

I went to check outside and saw he was already playing with Skye. I growled and gridded my teeth, why would he leave me for Skye?

"Hey, Rocky, would you like to play?" Rubble asked as he set down his ball next to me. "No, get out of my face." I responded as i got the ball and threw it as his face.

He whimpered as the ball hit his eye. "Rocky, what's wrong with you?" He said as he started to cry and held his left eye, which was the one that was hit.

"I don't know and i don't care to know." I rudely responded as i walked away, leaving Rubble crying. "Why's Rubbly crying?" Marshall asked as u i walked past him.

"I don't know, why are you so clumsy?" I asked while i stopped to talk with the stupid Dalmatian. "I was born like that, Rocky, why are you so angry?" He said with an attitude.

"Shut up, and leave me alone klutz." I said as i turned my head the other way and walked away majestically. Then when i walked i to the grass a pup pumped into me.

When my face landed on the pokey wet grass i opened one eye only to see that Chase as pumped into me. "Sorry, Rocky, i should really watch where i'm going." He said while he offered a paw.

"Yeah." I said as i got up myself and brushed off the grass from my fur. "You should watch where your going and not make a fool of yourself like the Dalmatian."

"W-what?" He asked as i passed him, also ignoring the dummy.

Then i tripped on a toy, what the heck why is everyone getting in my way of sticking up to Zuma? "Oh i'm so sorry! I need to remember to pick up after myself." Everest said as she got the toy and threw it at the toy box.

"You better be sorry, honey, next time actually clean up." I replied as i walked way.

I finally caught up to where Zuma and Skye were, they're playing catch together. I walked towards Skyr with anger, ready to attack as well. She looked at me, Zuma too, coming and i said.

"Skye i got something to say to you..."

Competing for Zuma's Heart. -RockyxZuma or RockyxSkye fanficWhere stories live. Discover now