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Rocky pov

"Skye, i've got something to say to you..."

She turned around as i furiously walked towards the young Cockapoo pup. "Rocky!" I heard someone shout. I looked back to see whom it could possibly be, when i looked back it turned out to be Ryder.

"Ryder?" I asked as Skye and Zuma ran away. "Hey get back here!"

"Rocky, why are you bulling everyone?" Ryder asked with an angry look in his face. I looked at Zuma and Skye, they were both having a good time together. When i looked back i saw Rubble with a black eye.

"Me? What did i do?" I asked, trying to play innocent. "Rocky, don't lie, did you do this?" He asked one more time. I started sweating and i bit my lip as i looked at the grass on my right side.

"Yeah." I said, avoiding eye contact. "Look at me." He said.

I looked up at him and he stated. "You know you can't be going on and start bullying everypup here. I'm sorry to say this but you are suspended from your duties until you clean up your act."

"Suspended? How does that work?" I asked him in curiosity.

"It means you can't be here." He responded, making me really upset. Why would i be suspended? I'm a good pup. "Where would i go?" I asked as Ryder and the pups behind him walked away from me.

"Somewhere other than here." Ryder responded as he turned back to face me for a while. I looked down at the grass and back up at the blue sky. I looked at Zuma and Skye, they both weren't facing me.

When i put my head and tail down i slowly began to walk to my pup house. "Rocky." I heard a voice to my right say. I took a peak to see who it was, and the pup was Skye. "What do you want." I said rudely.

She smiled and giggled. "Oh nothing..." She started. "Just keep your paws off Zuma, i know your gay and you like him. Let me just tell you he's not gay like you, so back off he's my man."

She said as she grabbed my collar, wait she knows i'm gay? I'm gay? Me gay? How does she know i'm gay if i'm not even gay.

"So if you so much as hit on him i'll tell all Adventure Bay your little secret." She said as she let go, i had a blank reaction.

She shoved me and walked away, i just ignored her as i proceed to my pup house.

"Man what should i take." I said to myself as i searched around my house. I saw a picture of me and all the pups when we were just little puppies. I smiled when i saw Zuma but i gave an angry frown when i spotted Skye.

"Ugh, get out of my sight." I said as i got a red marker and put a big 'X' on her face. I got a green recycling backpack i had in my junk stuff and threw in the picture.

I found a ball that i haven't seen in years, dog years that is. It was the same ball that helped me fall for Zuma, if i was actually in love with him... "How did it help?" I asked myself as i put the ball in the bag.

Looked back and i saw something shining a golden color. It was coming from a pile of old items. I went to go check it out and i looked in total awe at the object.

I picked it up and i went outside. I looked up at the clouds and i held the item high and proudly. "I found gold!!!" I said as i held it up.

"Calm down, it's just a wrapper." Rubble said as he passed by while holding a ice pack on his eye. I looked at the wrapper and shrugged, i threw it away in the garage can i had outside.

I got all the stuff i hold dearly to me and i headed off. "Well here goes..." I said as i gulped and walked away from the lookout.

When i reached the lower point of the lookout i looked back it and i took a deep breath as i turned back to my direction. I ran away from the lookout and didn't look back. As i ran off, i thought to myself.

"Here's to a new adventure!"

Competing for Zuma's Heart. -RockyxZuma or RockyxSkye fanficWhere stories live. Discover now