Let the Competition Begin

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Zuma pov

I was watching Apollo the Super Pup with Wubble when i heard Marshall's fiwetwuck and Chase's police twuck around.

"They're back." Wubble said as he ate a yellow pup tweat.

I just looked outside the door and saw the pups were already parked, well it's time to ask questions.

When they walked in Wyder and Chase were talking, and Marshall went over to Everest. I heard they like each other but i'm not sure if they do.

Skye and Wocky seemed to ignore each other, i was puzzled by this.

"Hey Zuma." They both said as Skye sat on my right and Wocky at my left.

"Hey pups." I said as we watched the rest of the show.

They all looked at me stwagely, i started to get uncomfortable with them. So I just got up and looked at them in a funny fashion, signaling that I felt uncomfortable. Then I walked away to the pup tweats, I was suwely craving some.

Rocky pov

Zuma entered the snack room and I looked at Skye angrily.

"Great job, you made him run off." I informed her.

She just turned her head away and made a noise that made her sound angry.

"It's not my fault, you made him run off."

I looked at the snack room, it was about time they added one but Ryder limits us with all the snacks. Looked at the other pups and saw they were doing something.

I got up and walked away from Skye. When I saw what they were doing, they were watching an Apollo episode on Chase's pup pad.

"What episode is this?" I asked as I joined the group.

"Oh it's not an episode, it's the movie!" Rubble said as he put on his Official Apollo the Super Pup drinking hat on.

I noticed the drinks he had put on the drink holder. The drink he had was Coke.

"Rubble, where did you get the Coke from?" Chase asked, pausing the movie.

Rubble looked back and forth, and he started stalling and looked back at the snack room.

"I don't know."

"Rubble, you know Coke makes you stay up all night." Everest informed him as he took a huge sip from his straw.

He burped as Zuma came out of the room with a box of Sour Patch Kids. I looked at the group and back at Zuma.

"No I won't! Just watch, Everest, I'll sleep tonight!" He said as he entered the group and Chase put the movie back on.

"I'll... See it later." I told them.

I walked away and I followed Zuma outside. I looked at the bean bag chair where I last saw Skye and I saw she wasn't there anymore.

"Probably already with Zuma trying to suck up to him." I thought as I walked outside of the lookout.

When I stepped outside the sun was shining brightly and it blinded me for a while. I held my paw up and, luckily, a cloud blocked the sun.

I put my paw down and I looked around for them. I saw Zuma over at the swing, eating his candy, and Skye was approaching him!

"Not on my watch."

I ran to her and the closer I got, the more nervous I got. I wasn't nervous of Skye, I was nervous about talking to Zuma.

I reached her and I tackled her down.

"If anyone is going to talk to him, it's me." I barked, no pun intended.

Zuma pov

I looked up and i saw Skye and Zuma on top of each other. Maybe a little womance is going on? I chose to leave them alone and got off the swing. I ate a souw patch before I got down.

I walked away to the lookout to see what the others are doing. I enjoyed these candies, they're one of my favorites. I walked in and the pups seemed weally hyped for something.

I stepped on the floow and i saw it was popcown. I looked back at the pups and they had a huge bowl of popcown. I smiled as I walked to them, whatever they were doing, it sounded like Apollo.

I entered the group and I saw they were watching Apollo. The TV was still on and the control was near by, so I turned it off.

"Come watch the movie with us, Zuma." Wubble insisted.

I nodded and I watched the movie with them.

Skye pov

"Get off me!" I yelled as he held me down.

"Nev-" He said before he looked at the swing and his smirk turned to a shocked reaction.

He got off me and I quickly got off and saw he got off the swing.

"Great, you made him run off." He said as he shoved me to the ground.

"Is this how you treat girls?" I snapped as I slowly got up from the grass.

"Nope, only you."

He walked away, leaving me alone. I looked at the swing and back at Rocky. I don't know why but things between me and Rocky are really getting heated up.

"This almost feels like a competition."

Competing for Zuma's Heart. -RockyxZuma or RockyxSkye fanficWhere stories live. Discover now